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The dictionary (it’s this really, really long book that has a very confusing plot) states that an oasis is ‘an isolated area of vegetation in a desert’. With that in mind, welcome to Oasis.com, an isolated area of mature material in a vast desert of mindless stupidity (a.k.a. Illogicopedia). It’s a place to relax and enjoy the peaceful calmness of-

Glurk! Aaargh! Splat!

An Unimportant Illogicopedia Notice: This article has just been terminated for actually having content. Either that or it had a heart attack laying eyes on you. For your own convenience, we recommend you leave this disaster site and forgot what you saw, before we demolish it. Seriously.

Seeming as You’re Still Here, Though…

Seeming as this is an oasis, we’d like to offer you a drink before you meet your inevitable (that’s a big word) end. Probably a glass of industrial waste – we could salt it up a bit if you like. Now we wait. This is fun, isn't it?

Well, actually…

You might as well leave now. You’re boring us.