One Large Fish

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Hi, I'm a fish. While some people call me fillet o' fish I would prefer if you would call me fish - it makes me feel better. You see, I have low self esteem. Life has just been, well, you know... not so sunny in recent times. Several things have held me back from enjoying life. Life is so... so precious. So wonderful.

Swimming is my life. I do it to live... to love. But no one loves me back.


You saw it right. Some punk kid thought it would be funny to tag me while I slept. I am well let's just say morbidly obese and, well, I'm shy.

I'm not what you would call a thin fish. In fact, I'm the exact opposite. Usually, it is a good thing to be big, the alpha male. The intimidator. But in the society nowadays, all of the other fish mock me for being fat. It sucks. Weight is a problem of mine. It's sort of like... my enemy.

We all know this came from one thing: food. I love food, it is what keeps me alive. But everyone says I take it overboard. Well you know what? Damn them. I hate them. They do not like food. But I love food. I embrace it. Worms, sea weed, other fish... I can't get enough. And that's why I'm fat. Fat. the word is constantly ringing in my head.


I'm old. the kids, they laugh at me. Laugh. It's heart breaking. What did I ever do besides be born before them? Nothing! Nothing. But still, they laugh at me, mock me... and it's all of out of my control. Why can't they just understand? soon they will. When they become an old grump like me, they will understand. I will make them understand.