Oooh nasty

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“Oh nasty”

- Treguard on on getting a paper cut

“Ooh nasty”

- Treguard on on the taste of the crumbs in his beard

“Oooh nasty”

- Treguard on on pretty much anything, really

“Ooh tasty”

- Treguard on on a nice packet of pickled onion Monster Munch

Oooooh, nasty. Unfortunately you didn't see the pit of spikes from where you were standing... serves you right for being blindfolded, you short-sighted twit. Now, where's my eye drops? I think the glaucoma's acting up again.

[Falls down pit of DOOOOOOOM.]

Well, that certainly was a turn up for the books, wasn't it? Ah well, I'm dead now so I won't have to bother you again.

See also