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This brain is surely the softest thing here... and it makes your nose run onto leather.

You could just easily chastise me right now as absorb nutrients, and it's up to you to decide. I'll leave you for a moment to let you catch up.







Decided yet?

No? Ok.


Now? Have you made your choice?

Ah, good.

PARTï So, you say you've gone far beyond the call of nature and began eating leaves? Oh, how imaginative! It is definitely a good sign, no matter what the guy standing three feet away in a long black coat might suggest.

[ ...the man turns around and walks into a green gate made of bars. A group of small birds watch on the other side from a distance as he falls over and dissolves into a green powder. The birds make their way over slowly and begin pecking at the pile. ]

LEAN OVER. Lean over, I say.

You lean over. The bricks stare directly back at you, channelling their energy in exchange for yours.


More and more items on the street begin channelling their energy directly at you until you suddenly turn blind under the pressure. The occasion makes you feel joyous, like you want to leap into the air but can't due to fear of hitting something.

You sit in a swivel chair and inquisitive children occasionally coem up and sniff you before leaving unsettled, with memories of being inside their rusting playhouse with nothing to do...