Patriot Poop

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Have you ever been dismayed by the dismally unpatriotic colors of your own excrement?

Have you ever wished that poop was some other, less drab color?

Well, now, the solution is at hand!!!!!!

Patriot Poop!!!!

Patriot Poop is a specialized pill that, when swallowed, will cause your poop to come out in the colors of the American flag. That's right!!! Now, thanks to our exclusive offer, you can make it so that every turd that drops from your body is a tiny tribute to the nation we all love so much.

Admit it, you've always wanted your poop to be star-spangled. Now it can be!!! Order Patriot Poop in the next five minutes and we'll send you a free bottle of Star Spangled Fatulence, a beverages that causes you to fart to the tune of the national anthem!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!