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Ohhh Pelee, i am for yeeeee, eeeeeee, Peleeeee!

I remember some guy singing that song. I think i hate that song, it was quite annoying and they kept saying e. What's with them and e? No, seriously.

OH, if you reeeeealy want to hear that song, it goes like this:

"Oh Peleeee, i am for yeeee, eeeee, pelee!

Yemeneeeee, Yimeniyameniyeeeeee, Peleeeee, Pulleyyyyyy!

Chileeeee is a countryyyyyyy, Oh eeeee a leper for theeeeee,

Peleeeee, i don noe what it meeeeeans,

But hey, hey it is Peleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeh.

Verse 2

Oh peleeeeeeeee, i am popeyeeeee,

Yimernegee, some strange word indeeeeeeed,

I knowwwww no wait....that doesn't have E in it, you retard.

Oh, to hell with this, this song sucks.