Pie Theory

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Pie Theory is the science of how we think about pie. Pie Theory consists of three to seven laws depending on which part of the earth you come from. If you come for Antarctica, where the Chinese live, then you obviously need 19 laws.

The Three to Seven Laws

  • Pies are not to be eaten by you.
  • Only I can hold pie.
  • You can not take my pie.
  • All my pies r belong 2 me.
  • If you want a pie, go kill yourself.
  • Pies are to be eaten by only me.
  • In the case of an emergency landing, fasten your seatbelts and sit in an upright position.


Pie theory was eatenvented in the 1919's, where a guy named CI2 decided that all your pies r belong 2 us. He stole all the pies and devised laws of pies so that his pies could never be stolen.

The laws are undecidedly biased and should not be followed except the seventh law which applies to many things in our daily life.

See also