Piece of bread

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Imagine a piece of bread.

File:Moldly white bread.jpg
Fresh as it gets. Makes your mouth water, I know. Don‘t worry there‘s plenty for us all.

Now imagine a piece of bread with an afro.

Now imagine a flying piece of bread with an afro.

Now imagine a flying piece of bread with an afro, but with its own weather system.

Now imagine a flying piece of bread with an afro and its own weather system, entering an oven.

Now imagine a flying piece of bread with an afro and its own weather system entering an oven, which causes global warming to occur on the bread.

Now imagine an ant sitting on a flying piece of bread with an afro and its own weather system which is entering an oven, which causes global warming to occur on it.

Now imagine an ant sitting on a flying piece of bread with a steering wheel, an afro, and its own weather system, which is entering the oven and therefore experiencing global warming.

Now imagine an ant using a steering wheel to steer a flying piece of bread with an afro and its own weather system into an oven, thus causing global warming to occur on it.

Now imagine an ant with telekinesis using a steering wheel to steer a flying piece of bread with an afro and its own weather system into an oven, thus causing global warming to occur on it.

Now imagine an ant that is both sitting on the rim of a sink ten feet away from a flying piece of bread with an afro and its own weather system, and using telekinesis to turn the steering wheel on the piece of bread, thereby steering it into the oven and causing global warming to occur on it.

Now, continue to imagine an ant that is both sitting on the rim of a sink ten feet away from a flying piece of bread with an afro and its own weather system, and using telekinesis to turn the steering wheel on the piece of bread, thereby steering it into the oven and causing global warming to occur on it, but also imagine that the global warming produces a very powerful hurricane.

Oh ya. It’s bread. Yummy Yummy Yummy

Now, imagine an ant that is both sitting on the rim of a sink ten feet away from a flying piece of bread with an afro and its own weather system, and using telekinesis to turn the steering wheel on the piece of bread, thereby steering it into the oven and causing global warming to occur on it, which produces a hurricane so powerful that it creates a hole in the fabric of space-time.

Now, imagine an ant that is both sitting on the rim of a sink ten feet away from a flying piece of bread with an afro and its own weather system, and using telekinesis to turn the steering wheel on the piece of bread, thereby steering it into the oven and causing global warming to occur on it, which produces a hurricane so powerful that it creates a hole in the fabric of space-time, out of which Elvis Presley climbs.

Now, imagine a person watching an ant that is both sitting on the rim of a sink ten feet away from a flying piece of bread with an afro and its own weather system, and using telekinesis to turn the steering wheel on the piece of bread, thereby steering it into the oven and causing global warming to occur on it, which produces a hurricane so powerful that it creates a hole in the fabric of space-time, out of which Elvis Presley climbs.

Now, imagine the thoughts of a person watching an ant that is both sitting on the rim of a sink ten feet away from a flying piece of bread with an afro and its own weather system, and using telekinesis to turn the steering wheel on the piece of bread, thereby steering it into the oven and causing global warming to occur on it, which produces a hurricane so powerful that it creates a hole in the fabric of space-time, out of which Elvis Presley climbs.

Now, imagine a brain scan of the thoughts of a person watching an ant that is both sitting on the rim of a sink ten feet away from a flying piece of bread with an afro and its own weather system, and using telekinesis to turn the steering wheel on the piece of bread, thereby steering it into the oven and causing global warming to occur on it, which produces a hurricane so powerful that it creates a hole in the fabric of space-time, out of which Elvis Presley climbs.

Now, continue to imagine a brain scan of the thoughts of a person watching an ant that is both sitting on the rim of a sink ten feet away from a flying piece of bread with an afro and its own weather system, and using telekinesis to turn the steering wheel on the piece of bread, thereby steering it into the oven and causing global warming to occur on it, which produces a hurricane so powerful that it creates a hole in the fabric of space-time, out of which Elvis Presley climbs, but imagine that coffee has been spilled on the brain scan.

The bread most of us are used to.

Now, imagine a scientist trying to read a brain scan of the thoughts of a person watching an ant that is both sitting on the rim of a sink ten feet away from a flying piece of bread with an afro and its own weather system, and using telekinesis to turn the steering wheel on the piece of bread, thereby steering it into the oven and causing global warming to occur on it, which produces a hurricane so powerful that it creates a hole in the fabric of space-time, out of which Elvis Presley climbs. The scientist is having trouble reading the brain scan because it has coffee spilled on it.

Now, imagine a scientist trying to read a brain scan of the thoughts of a person watching an ant that is both sitting on the rim of a sink ten feet away from a flying piece of bread with an afro and its own weather system, and using telekinesis to turn the steering wheel on the piece of bread, thereby steering it into the oven and causing global warming to occur on it, which produces a hurricane so powerful that it creates a hole in the fabric of space-time, out of which Elvis Presley climbs. The scientist is having trouble reading the brain scan because it has coffee spilled on it. The scientist also has a really annoying song stuck in his head.

Now, imagine a brain scan of the thoughts of a scientist with a really annoying song stuck in his head, while having difficulties trying to read a brain scan, with coffee spilled on it, of the thoughts of a person watching an ant that is both sitting on the rim of a sink ten feet away from a flying piece of bread with an afro and its own weather system, and using telekinesis to turn the steering wheel on the piece of bread, thereby steering it into the oven and causing global warming to occur on it, which produces a hurricane so powerful that it creates a hole in the fabric of space-time, out of which Elvis Presley climbs.

Now, imagine an upside down version of a brain scan of the thoughts of a scientist with a really annoying song stuck in his head, while having difficulties trying to read a brain scan, with coffee spilled on it, of the thoughts of a person watching an ant that is both sitting on the rim of a sink ten feet away from a flying piece of bread with an afro and its own weather system, and using telekinesis to turn the steering wheel on the piece of bread, thereby steering it into the oven and causing global warming to occur on it, which produces a hurricane so powerful that it creates a hole in the fabric of space-time, out of which Elvis Presley climbs.

That is what the Empire State Building looks like.