Pink Floyd

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“Wot's... Uh the Deal?”

- Pink Floyd on wot.. uh the deal is

Pink Floyd. Um. Er.

What is one of their songs?

Ah I don't know. But I do know that they walked into a wall and went mentally weird because of that.

“Oh right, I remember that one song - it was 37 minutes long and took up the whole album, but thankfully nobody noticed.”

Pink Floyd would repeat this process for a further three albums, saving all their best material for Wish You Were Here.

Hey, they sung YMCA!

Just another Brick in the Wall :)

Ich bin Obstkuchen!

Ja! Du bist Obstkuchen! Obst-Kuchen! Doodoodoo dodo doo dooooo dee dee dooooooo la la lee Ooo loo ding ting!

What they are famous for:

Wait a moment, those guys are famous?

I suppose so, but I can't name any of them... oh wait, I think Richard Gere was the bassist. And, um, Bob Geldof?

Pink Floyd is well known for their songs which contain references to loony people. For a long time, their catchphrase was: "Music made for loonies, by loonies, and about loonies."

See Also

pt:Pink Floyd