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And with that one warm flash of his smile the woman was poignant.

Poignant is what hapens after Morgan Freeman has sex with womens. Little particles of his snug grandfather voice crawl all up into their uterus and fertilise the egg, leading the woman to become poignant, or 'up the Morgan' as some people call it. When this happens Morgan Freeman will escape via a window, making it clear to the woman infected that while they may have had some good times recently they have begun to grow apart and that its probably best if they see other people. Around 9 months later the woman will fall over as baby fluid falls out of her and someone is obliged to take her to a hospital wherein a smooth-talking infant will fly out of her like a kid on a flume at a waterpark.

How poignancy can be avoided

Poignancy can be avoided by using protection such as ear muffs and not falling into a rohypnol-soaked cloth that Morgan Freeman happens to be holding in front of you. Many argue against this however saying that it reduces the pleasure of the experience, and that a pill-based conraceptive would be more ideal. Catholics are banned by the Pope from wearing ear muffs during sex, as outlined by Moses in the book of Tony the Tiger, in the bit just after Jesus kills Dumbledore. Catholic Priests are not allowed to have sex with Morgan Freeman altogether. Not that they have to worry anyway; Morgan Freeman doesn't care much for sharing his men with choir boys.

Poignancy can be terminated by the use of a stabortion. A highly technical procedure, the surgeon, usually a hooded man selling crack in an alleyway, repeatedly shanks the woman in the chest and/or face until she collapses from blood loss/gives him her belongings in return for crack. At which point the poignancy becomes void, and the woman is once again free to have unprotected sex with influential voice actors.