
From Uncyclopedia test II
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This article was
too bizarre for Uncyclopedia,
  but Illogicopedia loves random stuff
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Due to an incident involving Wowbagger The Infinitely Prolonged, a parcheesi board, a modified Colt 45, and a caribou, certain backwards cultures have been led to believe that this is the proper label for a sweetened, carbonated beverage. In reality, pop is a breed of pony often mistaken for pirates and the province of Newfoundland, used to develop helium and insanity in individuals. Typical problems are as follows:

Prove or disprove the following statements:

1. It was my party,
I would cry if I wanted to.
I was a wealthy girl
2. I would be the king of Spain.
Now I eat humble pie.
Sixteen by thirty-two.
3. NOBODY loves Raymond.