Potted Plant

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One day I was walking down the middle of the road, and I saw a potted plant. I tripped over it.

"Ouch!" I said.

I got up and tripped over it again.


I tripped over it again. And again. And again. And again. And again. And again. And again. And again. And again. And again.

After a few more hours of this business, I went and got a milkshake to calm myself down, and then approached the potted plant.

"Now, mate," I said. "I'm getting pretty fed up with this. If you don't stop tripping me-"

I tripped over it.

Quickly, I grabbed an axe and attacked the potted plant. The axe bounced off the ceramics and hit me in the head.

It didn't kill me, but I fell to the ground and a car ran over me.

I died.

Well, I shouldn't have been walking on the road in the first place.