Public transportation

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“Is it just me or are the seats on buses becoming more and more like torture, especially if you are on the bloody bus for a long time. I have noticed this over the last couple of weeks and this morning I got on the bus sat down and by the time I arrived at my destination it felt like I had been fucked up the arse. These bloody bus companies need to get those seats sorted out and put in some really nice soft comfortable seats. - A. Troll”

- A comment from the Wikipedia Reference Desk on the subject of Public transportation

Public transportation is the way poor people get around town. It includes trains, bus services, and ferries, but since drivers of said transportation devices are usually on strike 89% of the time, public transportation involves a large quantity of walking.


Public transportation was invented in 1544 by Howard Higgins of the town on Backleswater. The baron had decreed that everybody in his land must dance every day, but since most of the population were plague ridden and infirm, Higgins was given the job of finding a cheep way to move them to the dance floor.


  • The Bus - a large red dragon with an empty stomach
  • The Train - a gigantic snake with internal seating. How nice of him to provide you with a place to sit as you wait for digestion
  • The Duck - as the name suggests, a large duck carries commuters to their destinations
  • The Boat - operated by vikings, the boat when out of service in 1978 due to the shortage of coal