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Qwerty is a fine gentleman. Most people will tell you that Qwerty is the first five letters on your keyboard but no, Qwerty is an average ordinary man.

Qwerty U. Iop is a man living in New York City, and is a up and coming business man. He own's "Qwerty's Keyboard Emporium" on the south side of New York. We caught up with Qwerty this afternoon to talk to him about his name:'

Me: So Qwerty, our readers want to know how you got your name, can you tell us?
Qwerty: It means "Boredom and a computer" in Latin.
Me: Is that so?
Qwerty: Yes.
Me: We know your last name is Iop, but what is your middle name?
Qwerty: U
Me: Not the initial the actually name.
Qwerty: It's just U.
Me: Well it was great talkin' to ya Qwerty, see ya later.
Qwerty: Bye, I guess... About seein' you later, uh, I don't even know you...

So next time someone asks you, "what is Qwerty?" answer, "A fine gentleman," in a Sean Connery-esqe accent.