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jon says:
Duncan says:
GAMMA RAY *zaaaap*
jon says:
GRAMMY RAY *nominationzap*
Duncan says:
GRANNY RAY *decripe-zap*
jon says:
GRABBY RAY *grope*
Duncan says:
GRAWPY RAY *Hagrid sibling*
jon says:
CRABBY RAY *walksideways*
Duncan says:
CRABBY RAY *itchy pubes*
jon says:
Duncan says:
CABBY RAY *taxi please*
jon says:
CADDY RAY *golfslave*
Duncan says:
CAFE' RAY *mmm, espresso*
jon says:
CARE-FREE RAY *relaxing zap*
Duncan says:
CAR FREE RAY *pedestrafarian zap*
Duncan says:
KARMA FREE RAY *nonconsequential zap*
jon says:
CARAMEL RAY *yummy zap*
Duncan says:
CATTERACT RAY *ow my eye!*
jon says:
CAT-ATTACK RAY *scratchyhissyzap*
Duncan says:
CRACKAJACKAZAP *jack-a-cracks-his-back zap*
jon says:
Duncan says:
FAPCHAN RAY *EncyclopediaDramatica-esque fapzap*
jon says:
Duncan says:
jon says:
THATCHERISM RAY *fuck everything*
Duncan says:
SIKHISM RAY *I have a cool turban*
jon says:
SEA KITTEN RAY *seriously, what the fuck?*
Duncan says:
SEEKING RAY RAY *is it "Mr.Ray" or "Mr.A?"*
jon says:
SEAKING RAY *fuck yeah*
Duncan says:
SEEKING PAY *money please*
jon says:
SNEAKING AWAY *fuckyoun00b*
Duncan says:
SPECIAL K *nothing beats a bowl of special K*
jon says:
METAL GAY *erm...*
Duncan says:
KETTLE RAY *owie boilings*
jon says:
GET LAID *humpings*
Duncan says:
GET MADE *thanks God good work, especially on the arms*
jon says:
PET MAID *kinky*
Duncan says:
WET LAID - Y (LADY) *scraping-the-bottom-of-the-barrel-for-puns zap*
jon says:
JET CRAZY *Hijackingz!!*
Duncan says:
GET LAZY *relaxess*
jon says:
MET AINSLEY *he does good foods*
Duncan says:
BET AIMEDLY *accurate gamblings*
jon says:
GET A MEDAL-LY *Thats some fine sporting or whatever*
Duncan says:
FED A NETTLEY *A healthy stinger needs food*
jon says:
FREDDY MERCURY *sung and stuff*
Duncan says:
LEAD n MERCURY *vastly poisonous*
jon says:
DEAD AT THIRTY-LY *died young*
Duncan says:
BED - EIGHT THIRTY *you heard the woman*
jon says:
TED ATE HEARTILY *he deserves it*
Duncan says:
ED ED n EDDY *didn't do it for me*
jon says:
Duncan says:
VERY STEADY *uber sober*
jon says:
VERY SHEDDY *shed-like*
Duncan says:
HAIRY SHREDDIES *Hagrid's very own cereal*
jon says:
Duncan says:
MARY BOOBIES *virgin porn*
jon says:
THERE BE MOVIES *at the cinema*
Duncan says:
WHERE BE MAVIS? *she's carrying my child!*
jon says:
SCAREY BABIES *they got guns*
Duncan says:
DAIRY RABIES *i thought that milk tasted funny*
jon says:
FAIRY SLAVIES *cheap tiny labour*
Duncan says:
BEAR e-MAILS *don't click on them: they'll mawl your browser!*
jon says:
The World says:
END NOW!! *stfu noobz*