Randumbism on IRC

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  This article is quoted from a chatroom somewhere. 

<LadyCS> so what's the difference between leaving and quiting IRC?

<freshmeat> Man

<SomeWHATno2> LadyCS: one channel vs. all channels

<SomeWHATno2> if you leave #uncyclopedia, you could still be in some other channel

<OptyC> also, secks.

<AwesomeGuy> twenty-four!!

<OptyC> fourty eight!!!

<Rooob> fourty two!

<SomeWHATno2> green!

      • zombieninja [i=zombieni@CPE001708347fd9-CM0012c9ab633a.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com] has joined #uncyclopedia

<Rooob> catch 22!

<Kalir> SQUID

<SomeWHATno2> but if you are talking about poison ivy...

<Rooob> possums

<Rooob> poisson ivy?

<Rooob> the well know french dish?

<AwesomeGuy> I found a 'John Cougar' tape, should I listen to it


      • Heerenveen [n=Ricky@5ac66a74.bb.sky.com] has joined #uncyclopedia

<Rooob> fuck off

<SomeWHATno2> Rooob: nice greeting

<Mhaille> Meloncamp

<Rooob> sorry

<Rooob> it was asking for money

<SomeWHATno2> are we still talking about sk8r_Grl?

<LadyCS> i don't know were we?

<Rooob>  i wasn't even here

<SomeWHATno2> LadyCS: no, actually, we weren't

      • Fag [n=4f4e54dc@gateway/web/cgi-irc/irc.wikia.com/x-ba67dbfad841cba0] has joined #uncyclopedia

<SomeWHATno2> LadyCS: we were talking about Mordor and secret underpants

<Rooob> and glasgow neds

<Fag> Bonjour everyone!

<Mhaille> and cowbell

      • Antibuddha [n=chatzill@c-71-204-117-206.hsd1.ga.comcast.net] has joined #uncyclopedia

<Antibuddha> hi

<SomeWHATno2> Mhaille: yeah

<Rooob> Bonjour monseir fag!

<SomeWHATno2> hello

<SomeWHATno2> Rooob: again, nice greeting

<Antibuddha> have you guys ever had one of those days where it seems like everyone is trying to run you over on the highway

<Fag> SomeWHAT, I'm MMF on ?pedia :P

<Antibuddha> because i am having one of those days

<Rooob> no

<LadyCS> bye!!!!!!! it's raining

      • LadyCS [n=46655fec@gateway/web/cgi-irc/irc.wikia.com/x-12c2beb27637557f] has quit ["CGI:IRC"]

<OptyC> BAI!

      • fruitbag [n=fruitbag@] has quit [Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)]

<Rooob> because...im english - i dont thaink that we call they highways, do we?

<Antibuddha> when its raining she likes to go in her backyard and howl at the sky

<SomeWHATno2> OptyC: why is is that you always happen to say bai after the person leaves?

      • Antibuddha [n=chatzill@c-71-204-117-206.hsd1.ga.comcast.net] has quit [K-lined]

<Mhaille> unless they are to Hell

<OptyC> SomeWHATno2:  stupid joke.

<Mhaille> or to Hull