Rant on Blogging

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“There is no true blog but Illogiblog and Hindleyite is its writer”

- on Illogicopedian

You know, on some guy's blog, he writes racist stuff about my country,

SO BAD!!!! You know what?

Blogging so bad, that only sad people do it, because they think it's their FRIEND!!!! I have more "human" friends, so i don't need a a weird thing with letters on it and words, and all these things that make me sick. It makes me sick, so sick, i feel sick. Cause blogs are sick, some people write sick things on blogs, like how long their trousers are, or why they have earwax growing out of their mouth, why do you write these things, why do you complai-whoops, some ear wax just fell out my mouth.

If you were affected by tonights article then please take the following advice

GO COMPLAIN TO YOUR MOTHER!!!! I'm not your mother, or your parent, i'm complaining about you!!

Now stop blogging. Go on MSN now or some instant chatting service....


(Except at Illogiblog.)

See Also