Reckless Driver Insurance

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-- Are you a reckless driver?"

-- YEAH!

-- Don't you think it's time for you to get paid for being one?

-- Probably.

-- Well now with 'RECKLESS DRIVER INSURANCE', we pay you for being an unsafe driver!

-- That's pretty dumb.

-- You bet it is! Every month we send you a check based on how many accidents you get. Your check will increase for manslaughter and murder charges aswell!"

-- Is this even real?

-- Go to to sign up.

-- So what exactly do you insure?

-- Great! Have a nice day!

Do you struggle being a safe driver? Are you denied proper auto insurance, simply because you've killed a lot of people? At "Reckless Driver Insurance" we will insure you, the terrible driver! Instead of paying for your accidents, we will give you money every month based on how many accidents you get into! There's never a better time to switch to "Reckless Driver Insurance", we already insure 7 billion people. That's almost the entire United States!

Don't take it from me, take it from this guy!

"I'm gonna kick yo ass!"

--Justin, New Jersey.

Or this driver who switched!

"Uhh..." **fart**

--Cladius Seymore Vertrubinary, New Jersey