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Not many people know this, but only 32 people in the world play different instruments.

You would like to think that they did it together, on a stage in front of some appreciative barn animals, or, if they didn't, that their harmony stretched far across the globe to their counterparts and energized them. If they ever all played at the same time, however, remains a mystery, but it would have been the world's most beautiful coincidence.

Not many people know this, but seagulls are the only true form of music. Flourish suddenly ; applaud over the most important part, that is crucial ; resume ; return to audible notes ; be safe in the knowledge that your secret remains unremained.

Wear that dress that blurs you when you dance and makes you feel as though the contrast has been turned up. Not many people know this, but the world's best dancer has never danced in his life. He... no. Petulant pout... not many people know this.

And what will be on YOUR grave?

  1. Were you a good helpful person or did you make a difference?
  2. Did you ever sleep on that beach?
  3. How was you sex?
  4. In what manner became daydream?
  5. Will the exchange rate mean that in 2025 your legend will be naught?