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A rerard is an extreme form of retard, a rare breed discovered in the mines of Australia. Rerards are created when a regular retard is retarded enough to spell his condition wrongly. Rerards are known for their sensitivity to logical explanations and idiotic antics which all laugh at. All countries (except for Mars) declare that Rerards are to be Egged and spooned on sight to show them who they are.

Notable Rerards

Famous rerards inclue Whinnie the Pooh, Tom Island Cruise, Billie Jean, Asparagus and Ki-Adi-Mundi.

Funny stuff rerards have done in the past 100 years

  • 1900 - first rerard spelt rerard wrong
  • 1904 - rerard sat on a cat sitting on a mat
  • 1940's - some rerard called "Hitler" started some dumb ass war...
  • 1940's - "Hitler" (he rerard) got pwnzored by those rofl guys and rofled those lmaos all the way to pie...
  • 1962 - Hippies took over the world for 20 seconds...
  • 1963 - hippie caught rerard on fire
  • 1965 - rerard is deaded in fire in t3h 131k h0sp1t4l
  • 1972 - some guy called "George Bush" gets born out of a test tube
  • 1973 - that guy (I can't be stuff to type it again) gets the role of President
  • 1975 - lmao he got rolfed by Michael Jackson and done in the butt hard lolololololol
  • 1982 - Osama the Bin gets rofled by a missile but comes back to life (missile fired from a Mega-Tron loooooolzor h4oring
  • 1986 - rofled by a lmao
  • 1974.1565263 - a guy lit a tickle me elmo on fire lmao!!! (yes time does go back...)
  • 1992 - hippies crushed by a giant mario that came from a big tube
  • 1999 - Hippies rise from the dead but die from drug overdoses
  • 2000 - another guy gets rofled (see youtube)
  • 2,241,427,912,487,526,958,219,821,358,961,259,812,465,812,452,416,334,169,421,674,124,126 - KFC is eaten by a black hole and then goes to the pink bunnies lare that rofles him and then a giant macas guy owns them