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Am I awake? ... SSLEEEEP!PP!! ... Toss and turn and ... Arghh, the covers fallen down the side of the bed. ... it hurts to think! ... and turn and toss and ... the pillow's not very comfortable, I can feel my hair ... make it stop ... and toss and turn and ... what is it? ... CLICKY JOINTS! ... dreeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeam ... Yes, what is it? ... and toss and turn and toss and turn ... there's no one there ... what do you want? ... there's no one there ... the cover is UNDER ME! ... make it stop ... clicky joints, woo ... me back! ... writhe ... am I awake? ... I should check the time ... and toss and turn and toss and turn and toss and turn and toss and turn ... I ache ... I turn ... no, I'm too tired ... WHAT DO YOU WANT?! ... grab the phone ... the pillow is annoying me ... it hurts to think ... the light! ... 4:56.a.m ... hey did somneone leave the tap on? ... and toss and, focus ... did someone leave the tap on? ... is that the tap? ... WHY DOES IT HURT TO THINK ... oh, it's dad ... taking a leak I see.

And then I came downstairs for a while and wrote this.