Richard Dawkins

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Take that, you surviving dinosaur, you disprover of evolution! Crawl back to the atom from which you spawned!

—Dawkins, to Bowser upon completing Super Mario Bros.

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"...and then I squeezed the chimp's buttocks just like this."

Ricardo Santahat Bill Dawkins is an evilutionist and renowned Mario player. He invented supply-side fruitonomics and the deflatable chair in between taking the mick out of profane hate mail and defeating the evil Bowser for thirteenth time that week.


  • The Shellfish Gene
  • What I learned From Staring At 2 Monkeys While They Had Buttsex
  • God Is Dead: Lulz, Just Kidding, He Never Existed

This article is burly men unfolding umbrellas.
  Maybe you should help it on its way.  
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