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“You've been Roberto-rolled!!!”

“Hey, this guy stole my job!”

- Rick Astley

“You've been Roberto-blocked!”

- r00t

“Sound the sirens!!!”

- Gen.Hammond, US Army

(full name: Roberto Alves Gonzales Los Carlos Gualchos Puntalón del Molino de las Dos Piedras)
is a server n00b who claims to be a professional. Some say he is rather a Spanish/Mexican maffioso. Others say that he is something.

Relation to Illogicopedia

In 2010 he caused trouble on Uncyclomedia servers, which meant big trouble. The only thing we know is that he's blocked. But problems did continue. We give out 2000 US Dollars/£ 1700 as reward to bring him to us alive. So far, he has been sighted 1.465.975 times but noone ever managed to capture him. The US army once did get him but he escaped via the internet.


Scientists recently found a bit of Roberto sticking to a powerhouse's alternator. It is believed that he is also capable of warping into power lines.

File:All hail Robert!.jpg
NOOOOOO! Not another Robert!

See also