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Rofllypops are the national candy of Ultra Japan. They don't taste like lollypops. They're so good they have to be capitalized.


Nobody knows what the "Original" flavor ones taste like. But, we only have one assumption: they taste like Rofllypops. They come in various flavors, but since they are only sold in Ultra Japan, we haven't seen them all. The reason nobody has been able to tell the flavor of an "Original" Rofllypop is because all Rofllypops, when put in a mere mortal's mouth (try saying that five times fast), they only have a strong taste for a few milliseconds, and then the taster's tongue goes numb. The only one who can taste them is CatMan. But we know one thing for sure: they don't taste like lollypops.


Consuming a Rofllypop causes the following Ultraside-effects: Immortality for 1 second, Ultra-speed for 5 minutes, Ultra-strength for 10 minutes, An urge to play Koala Quest for 3 hours, and being called "(your name) the Awesome" forever (unless you're CatMan). However, people have found factory reject Rofllypops, and they provide the first 3 Ultraside-effects for 1 month, along with the following Negaside-effects: Uncontrollable and explosive flatulence for 2 weeks (you manage to hold it in for the last week), and Villiany for 1 month. After one month, you explode from holding in all that gas. Anything in a 1-mile radius of you will smell rancid for a week. Good job.

Comparison of Rofllypops to lollypops

Rofllypops are not lollypops. There.

Side-effects of Rofllypops on animals

Cats: Do you really want to know?

Dogs: They'll grow wings and fly away. Give one to your neighbor's chihuahua.

Pigs: Not tested yet, but they don't fly. When will they fly? When pigs fly!

See also

Pee also