Russian Roulette

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  This article is quoted from a chatroom somewhere. 
[12:37]	=-=	Mode #illogicopedia +o IllegalEagle  by ChanServ
[12:37]	* IllegalEagle	Pulls out a revolver
[12:38]	* IllegalEagle	puts one bullet into a chamber and spins the barrel
[12:38]	<Flameviper>	Oh shit.
[12:38]	<Asema>	        .tihs hO
[12:39]	* IllegalEagle	holds the gun to DGNeree's head
[12:39]	<IllegalEagle>	feeling lucky
[12:39]	* IllegalEagle	pulls the trigger
[12:39]	<IllegalEagle>	*Click*
[12:39]	* IllegalEagle	holds the gun to Asema's head
[12:39]	* IllegalEagle	pulls the trigger
[12:39]	<IllegalEagle>	*Click*
[12:39]	* Asema	        phews.
[12:39]	<Flameviper>	Oh noes.
[12:40]	* IllegalEagle	holds the gun to Flameviper's head
[12:40]	* IllegalEagle	pulls the trigger
[12:40]	<Flameviper>	Oh lawd
[12:40]	=-=	YOU (Flameviper) have been booted from #illogicopedia by IllegalEagle (BANG!)