SEE! I'm cool on IRC

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  This article is quoted from a chatroom somewhere. 

See, I'm so cool they call me a troll

loloolololol lolz0rz. Wtf is this? INANE RAMBLING OF A MADMADNAD<ANDADMANDMASNDMAS<DNASM<DN!!!!!!!!!!!!

Today on IRC...

[13:39] * sk8r_Grl smites Star-D with a stick

[13:39] <sk8r_Grl> I KILL YOU WITH THIS LEAF!

[13:40] <sk8r_Grl> I KILL YOU WITH THIS LEAF!

[13:40] <sk8r_Grl> I KILL YOU WITH THIS LEAF!

[13:40] <Star-D> you nasty girll!

[13:41] * sk8r_Grl hits Star-D on the shoulder with a blade of grass

[13:41] <sk8r_Grl> I KILL YOU

[13:41] <sk8r_Grl> I KILL YOU

[13:41] <sk8r_Grl> I KILL YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

[13:41] <quanticle> sk8r_Grl: No. You kill no one.

[13:41] <Star-D> sk8r_Grl that means love?

[13:44] * Nerd42 leaves computer to go eat Pizza hot pocket

[13:44] <sk8r_Grl> Blagh

[13:46] <Nerd42> Blagh, I keep instructing this microwave to heat it more and more and its never hot enough

[13:46] <sk8r_Grl> haha

[13:46] <Testostereich> microwaves always explode my soup ¬_¬

[13:46] <sk8r_Grl> they always make me burn mah fingers with the steam

[13:47] * Nerd42 tears into it like a savage

[13:47] <Nerd42> mmm ... sauce on the keyboard

[13:47] * sk8r_Grl ASPLODES

[13:47] <iaretehrulzor> oh noes, teh implosion

[13:48] <quanticle> I thought ASPLODES implied explosion.

[13:47] * sk8r_Grl climbs into her microwave and turns it on

[13:48] <sk8r_Grl> BEEP BEEP, 5:00 mins

[13:48] * sk8r_Grl ASPLODES

[13:48] * Testostereich wallpapers house with remains

[13:48] <Testostereich> a lovely sum,mer red

[13:48] <Nerd42> OH NO it has EYE BALLS!!!

[13:48] <Testostereich> hehe

[13:48] <Nerd42> must be that new indiana jones movie. makin my microwave mess up

Some other time on IRC...

11:30 <Ziggy_Sawdust> rapes you violently with tungsten/lutetium alloyed Ford C**komax L-9000

11:30 <Breasticles> :P

11:30 <sk8r_Grl> OW

11:30 ***sk8r_Grl walks funny

11:30 <sk8r_Grl> O-8--[=

11:31 <sk8r_Grl> or somthin

11:31 <Ziggy_Sawdust> what the h**l is that supposed to mean

11:31 <Ziggy_Sawdust> Master B8-chan

11:31 <sk8r_Grl> Ziggy_Sawdust: It means you shoved a truck up my sommitorother

11:31 <sk8r_Grl> AND IT OUCHIED

11:33 <TReich> *_*

16:54 <OptyC> sk8r_Grl wants me to tell everyone she can't type right now cuz her mom's watchin her.

Ah, friends

cantremembertime <Ljlego> I HATE HER

19:01 <Luvvy> And she's still on my /ignore list ^.^

18:59 <zombieninja> I'm confused

19:09 <Luvvy> all caps is a bit too much, when I'm not deaf

19:12 <EnzoAquarius> HOCKEY IN HIGH DEFINITION ^_^

19:20 <zombieninja> I never say something funny

***AwesomeGuy sprays the channel with bug spray and sets fire *** Ljlego joined #uncyclopedia n=Ljlego@unaffiliated/ljlego ***sk8r_Grl pinches Ljlego's nipples ***Luvvy shoves a cookie down sk8r_Grl's throat and proceeds to hug Ljlego

19:26 <ThePaleOne> Poppycock.

19:32 <sk8r_Grl> say "boo"

19:33 <JoeMonco> OK... boo

19:33 <sk8r_Grl> b

19:33 <sk8r_Grl> lol you said boob

19:33 <JoeMonco> Grrr....

***sk8r_Grl waits for someone to say something interesting with no foul language ***sk8r_Grl dances


19:58 <Ljlego> sk8r_Grl?

19:58 <sk8r_Grl> ahh-yyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyeeeeeEEEEEEESSSS?

20:00 *** sk8r_Grl was kicked by Ljlego (stfu?)

20:01 <sk8r_Grl> TheLedBalloon: what am i chopped... oh nvm you namedropped me

20:02 <Cake_J> YOU'RE STILL HERE, SK8R??!???

20:03 <Ljlego> you're a troll, I suppose

20:04 <Ljlego> shut up you troll

20:04 <sk8r_Grl> yah, I am pretty great

20:05 <sk8r_Grl> wait.. troll is a good thing, right

20:05 <sk8r_Grl> ?

20:14 <sk8r_Grl> !!!!!111111one

20:15 <sk8r_Grl> wait, wtf?

20:17 <tzzA> sk8r_Grl: magic

20:20 <Manticore> NOTUNIS LOLOLOLOL


20:23 sk8r_Grl licks zombieninja

20:23 <sk8r_Grl> *pants*

20:23 <zombieninja>

20:24 <sk8r_Grl> *bark* i can has treats?

20:25 <zombieninja> Um, sure

20:25 <zombieninja> *Throws treat*

20:25 ***sk8r_Grl wags her tail

20:25 <sk8r_Grl> I is a cute wittwe puppy, lol!

20:26 <zombieninja> obviously.. CATS > DOGS

20:26 <sk8r_Grl> :'(

20:26 <sk8r_Grl> *whimpers*

20:27 ***zombieninja grins

20:27 <zombieninja> yeah uh apparently I'm sado to dogs


20:32 <zombieninja> Flirting witch (lal literal) you smell like shoes


20:36 <Charitwo> boo

20:36 <sk8r_Grl> b

20:36 <sk8r_Grl> s

20:36 <sk8r_Grl> haha you said boobs

20:36 <Charitwo> yours, about to be cupped by me

20:36 <sk8r_Grl> AGH

20:38 ***sk8r_Grl runs

Things that are totally wierd....

20:46 <OFS> sk8r_Grl: do you has vagina?

20:46 <sk8r_Grl> ....yes....

20:46 <OFS> I can has borrows?

13:38 <HaloDude>

13:39 <sk8r_Grl> HaloDude: what?

13:39 <HaloDude> Nothing >.<

16:27 <AwesomeGuy> so, nobody can find the hidden thing?

13:40 <Luvvy> wrong?

15:18 <Luvvy> not trying to have cyber sex with you, too?

15:28 <sk8r_Grl> now that's disturbing

15:29 <kakun> sk8r_Grl is perfection.

20:14 <ThePaleOne> flirt you sk8r_grl

20:14 <sk8r_Grl> ThePaleOne: yes please

11:23 <OptyC> secksr_Grl!

12:30 <Ljlego> I'm a troll too

12:35 ***sk8r_Grl dances

10:22 <AAA^> DUCK YOU TO F***ING H***

10:22 <AAA^> f***, even

16:36 ***SomeWHATno2 feels right in

21:18 <Ljlego> boo

21:18 <sk8r_Grl> bs

21:18 <sk8r_Grl> haha you said boobs

16:24 <ThePaleOne> This is just you trolling, sk8r_grl

19:19 *** The_SOAP_Fan is now known as The_sk8r_girl_Fa

Me as Maureen

23:21 <Maureen> :(

0:05 <Star-D_> are you 15y stupid girl?

0:07 <Eulalia> That's not vewwy nice -_-

0:12 ***Eulalia loves Maureen|emo

<Hoo> ty JEUK ..... ever slipped on a bannana skin .... skated into a fountain .... and then accidentaly landed in a cheese cake ??

<JEUK> 2 times why ?

Things I really shouldn't have repeated.... Oh well :P

0:33 Derrick takes off his clothes while crying

0:33 Derrick runs around running into everyone he sees

0:34 <Maureen> EW NEKKID BOY BUTT :P

0:36 <Halopediaman> Just give me time, names, and ailites, and I can use blackmail, sabbotage, and charm to get rid of him.

0:38 <RubberDuckie> Wewt would u plz go take a hot shower........CUZ UR MOM IS TOO HOT FOR U!!!

0:39 <wewt> i already did ;D


0:39 Maureen left #teen-chat

0:39 <Derrick_C> we're gonna pwn him more than the atthenians being pwned in the great peloponesian war by sparta

0:39 Star-D_ kiss ZukaRasami

0:39 <Maureen> ick ick ick

0:46 <wewt> derrick!! marry me so we can watch tv forevarr! and kidsnot (whoever that is) will be my fries!

0:50 <RubberDuckie> the mystery surroundin Derrick has confuzed me

14:21 <Dave2> i appear to have lost a pillow case

14:22 <Maureen> Dave2: did you check your CENSORED?

17:49 <Maureen> someone say something dirty

17:49 *** cyrusrayne joined ##socialites

17:49 <NeoBahamut> Boobs

17:50 <Maureen> I need dirty jokes lol

17:50 <Dave2> This is very strange. I get background hiss in my headphones...but it goes away when I grab the cable.

17:51 <ZukaRasami> What is the difference between a hot girl and a car

Nvm, that's too dirty.

17:52 <ZukaRasami> lol

Some old quotes from #uncyclopedia POSSIBLY NSFW

[15:47] <sk8r_Grl> \o/

[15:47] <sk8r_Grl> i'm back

[15:47] <sk8r_Grl> you can stop being emo now

[15:47] <RAHB> talk about the pot and the kettle

<nytrospawn> so, if i try to seduce someone here, i may very well be a pedophile?

<DrSkullthumper> Unless it's sk8r_Grl, in which case you're a *tasteless* pedophile

17:05 OptyC hugs sk8r_Grl

17:05 <sk8r_Grl> please tell me that's a knife in your pocket, OptyC

=-= Mode #uncyclopedia +o sk8r_Grl by PrincessSnuggly

<sk8r_Grl> \o/

  • sk8r_Grl has powah
  • sk8r_Grl considers kicking sannse
  • sk8r_Grl doesnt do it
  • sk8r_Grl likes sannse

<EugeneKay> Kick wolf

<EugeneKay> He likes it.

<sk8r_Grl> no

<PrincessSnuggly> No.

<Charitwo> wolf:

<PrincessSnuggly> Don't kick wolf.

<sk8r_Grl> wolf!

<PrincessSnuggly> wolf is not here.

<PrincessSnuggly> He has not been here for a long while.


<sk8r_Grl> *admin

<EugeneKay> Kick Spang with FU SPANG

=-= Spang was booted from #uncyclopedia by sk8r_Grl (exept you)

[21:25] * sk8r_Grl had to look back, she was on another chan and thought you were talking bra sizes

  • Codeine sets mode: +b *!*401xxxx*@gateway/*

<sk8r_Grl> that looked like my gateway almost

<sk8r_Grl> i think mine's got a 4 in it

<Sk8R_grl> Tesfan: in soviet russia, vodka drinks YOU

<Tesfan> Sk8R_grl: in soviet russia, bear liver eats YOU

<Sk8R_grl> ew

<THE> In soviet russia, overused joke that doesn't even make any sense at all....YOU!!!

<Jocke_Pirat> I like my women how I like my coffee: Freshly ground and stored in the freezer.

<SonicAvalanche> 0_o

<EnzoAquarius> o_O

<OFS> you retard you're not supposed to put ground coffee in the freezer


18:10 Maureen [poops]

18:10 Javacat sniffs

18:10 <Javacat> flowery

18:12 <Maureen> let me refraise

18:12 <Sargun> Any relation to the Maury show?

18:13 Maureen brings a goat in

18:13 <Maureen> no wait

18:13 Maureen throws the goat off a cliff

18:13 Maureen brings in a half-goat, half-human child

18:13 <Maureen> Dave2: you ARE the father.

<zombieninja> Hi, I honestly have a crush on Tayor, hooray.

Notes: In actuality, zombieninja has a crush on himself.


      • nogagplz left #uncyclopedia ["Konversation terminated!"]
      • GP001 [grandesarefun!inthe***!] has quit []
      • Kalir [Isenseapattern] has quit ["YOU'LL NEVER TAKE ME ALIVE"]

<Tayor> I guess not.

[10:43pm] Tayor: are you sheep when you shower?

[1:54pm] * sannse likes strawberries

[1:54pm] Tayor: strawberries are my favorite fruit

[1:55pm] Hinoa: Again, choosing *not* to make the obvious joke

18:21 Maureen pokes ##socialites

18:22 nicho takes his vest off.

<zombieninja> ..Stop being 13, it makes me feel creepy doing this

Stuff that is gross enough for Uncyclopedia, but makes too little sense... A.K.A. ##Paigey

<Draculina> it's basically like getting burned from hot water, but an emo burns you instead <Draculina> aw FLIRT this

  • Draculina grabs freefull's hand and pulls out a lighter

<eulalia> LoveIsALie, :D

  • Volieth gives Draculina a can of hair spray and a couple bottles of booze
  • LoveIsALie eats eulalia
  • FreeFull hugs LoveIsALie
  • Draculina decides she's mad at freefull

<Volieth> Use the hair spray!

<FreeFull> Draculina: I'm omnipotent :D

<Volieth> Wanna see a Freefull BBQ!

<Draculina> good

  • Draculina stomps on freefull's FEET

<Draculina> you're still weak there

  • FreeFull 's FEET drop off
  • FreeFull can regrow new ones later
  • eulalia give LoveIsALie indigestion
  • Volieth plays golf with FF's FEET
  • FreeFull also feels no pain
  • Draculina is wearing stilettos
  • FreeFull unleashes his army of emus
  • LoveIsALie poos eulalia out
  • LoveIsALie has burning diarheea
  • FreeFull gives LoveIsALie anti-diarhea tablets
  • eulalia clogs LoveIsALie's toilet

<JEUK> bullseye

<LoveIsALie> OMG

<LoveIsALie> OMG

<LoveIsALie> OMG

<LoveIsALie> OMFG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


<LoveIsALie> OMG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

<Draculina> what?

<LoveIsALie> idk.

<Draculina> ...

<FreeFull> I'd never guessed that, actually.

<Volieth> !

<FreeFull> LoveIsALie: You said exactly the same thing my friend Tamanna did in school some time ago

  • eulalia__ (n=Miranda@wikia/Eulalia459678) has joined ##paigey
  • ChanServ gives voice to eulalia__

<[Plop]>||||||||Hiya eulalia__|||||||||

<LoveIsALie> FreeFull: she said oh emm gee oh emm gee eye dee kay?

<LoveIsALie> ohaiiii eulalia__

<LoveIsALie> you look happy

<eulalia__> hai

<eulalia__> trying out Miranda IM

<eulalia__> it's pretty cool, tbh

<LoveIsALie> she must be hot

<FreeFull> LoveIsALie: I don't know how to respond to this.

<ONIrecon111> can i have...a

<ONIrecon111> errm

<ONIrecon111> erm

<ElectricSquid> I to speak like Engrish, prease!

  • ONIrecon111 chews on the toffees and spits them out

<Frunner> ElectricSquid: you used an L anyway

<ONIrecon111> anyway

<Frunner> meh, ee's adupted eneh'weres'

<ONIrecon111> back to...ordering >_<

<ElectricSquid> I'll have a Coors Light

<ONIrecon111> errr

<ONIrecon111> err

<ONIrecon111> er

<ElectricSquid> and a Miller too.

<ONIrecon111> e

  • PaigeWitchyWoman hands it to ElectricSquid

<ElectricSquid> er

<ONIrecon111> i dunno

<ONIrecon111> :(

<Volieth> My mom just got home, so I might be getting off and on today.

3 mins. later..

<eulalia__> [14:35] Volieth: My mom just got home, so I might be getting off <--lol

<Draculina> ≈ç√∫˜µ≤≥÷åß∂ƒ©˙∆˚¬…æœ∑´®†¥¨ˆøπ“‘«`¡™£¢∞§¶•ªº–≠

  • Draculina glares daggers at Eulalia

<FreeFull> @łe¶ŧ←↓→øþæßðđŋħjĸł«»¢“”nµ¹²³€½¾{[]}¡⅛£¼⅜⅝⅞™±° ΩŁE®Ŧ¥↑ıØÞƧЪŊĦJ&Ł<>©‘’Nº

  • eulalia__ gladly eats the daggers

<eulalia__> nom nom nom

<Draculina> ...

<FreeFull> Eye knife attack!

  • eulalia__ shoots an RPG at Draculina

<Draculina> you got a mothaFLIRTin RPG?!

  • LoveIsALie eats letters


<LoveIsALie> how do you glare a dagger?

<Draculina> it's an expression!

<LoveIsALie> oh

<Volieth> 何....

<LoveIsALie> that explains it

<LoveIsALie> *nawt*

<FreeFull> ǽ Have an apple

<LoveIsALie> wat

<LoveIsALie> wat

<LoveIsALie> up da butt!

  • You are now known as HonkingSquirrel
  • HonkingChicken is now known as FreeAndFull
  • HonkingAntelope honks HonkingSquirrel
  • FreeAndFull is now known as SuperLemon

<HonkingSquirrel> HONK

  • HonkingSquirrel honks HonkingSquirrel

<HonkingAntelope> lolphail

<HonkingSquirrel> !ham HonkingAntelope's penis

<Failbot> HonkingSquirrel: Error: No such location could be found.


<Failbot> █▄ ███ █▄ █▄█▄█ █▄█ ▀█▀


<Stephen-> flood

<Stephen-> :P

<Stephen-> one word

<Stephen-> one smily face

<Stephen-> one epic convo kill

<Stephen-> damn im gewd :P

* Chaoz was outside being scared<Stephen-> ... ?

<Chaoz> baloons

<Stephen-> ...

* Paiz0rz gives Chaoz a balloon


* Chaoz run s

#defocus, #tabnet, and other randomness

<Stephanie> Not a lot happening tonight.

<Paiz0rz> Nope

<Stephanie> BRB, taking out muffins

<NoorulIslaam> i went chickeneering and caught some lovely breasticles

<Paiz0rz> Anyone up for a pineapple?

<Phin68> no

<Paiz0rz> o.o tmi NoorulIslaam

<NoorulIslaam> Paiz0rz: what?

<Paiz0rz> what?

<Shadow_Master> the silence was awesome.

<Shadow_Master> you ruined it!

<NoorulIslaam> silencicles

<Paiz0rz> losercicles

<Paiz0rz> you haz them

<Phin68> Paiz0rz: Pineapple and Apples are on #lemonade

<Paiz0rz> they iz growin on your branez

  • NoorulIslaam has a historicle testicle tomorricle
  • Quagmire is now known as Quagmire|GONE

<Paiz0rz> thats really inappropri-- giggity.


Jan 15 16:41:48 <PaigeWitchyWoman> I almost miss that drama now xD

Jan 15 16:42:00 * Edman009 has quit (

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Jan 15 16:42:01 * Blaargh has quit (Remote closed the connection)

Jan 15 16:42:01 <rwg> ?

Jan 15 16:42:01 * Morasique has quit (Nick collision from services.)

Jan 15 16:42:03 * Peltron has quit (Client Quit)

Jan 15 16:42:05 * Infinito_ ( has joined #defocus

Jan 15 16:42:06 <pea[PC]> lolzzzzz

Jan 15 16:42:07 * Shadowwo^ ( has joined #defocus

Jan 15 16:42:10 <PaigeWitchyWoman> ....................oops

Jan 15 16:42:11 * Morasiqu1 ( has left #defocus

Jan 15 16:42:16 * Hamlin_ ( has joined #defocus

Jan 15 16:42:18 <PaigeWitchyWoman> I didn't mean that kind of drama!

Jan 15 16:43:13 <sroracle> This is why we can't have nice things

Jan 15 16:50:18 <Vicissitude> "Bother!" said Pooh, as Julius Caesar said, "Et tu Poohte?"

Psychic Phenomenon

[18:43] * MoiraA has quit (Read error: Operation timed out)

[18:44] <PaigeWitchyWoman> :(

[18:47] * Jedimca0 has quit (Quit: Bye)

[18:48] <PaigeWitchyWoman> YAY wb

[18:48] * MoiraA (moiraa@tabnet/staff) has joined #tabnet

[18:48] <PaigeWitchyWoman> errm

[18:48] <PaigeWitchyWoman> now. YAY wb

[18:48] <PaigeWitchyWoman> xD

[18:48] <MoiraA> thanks

[18:49] * PaigeWitchyWoman said it too soon

[18:49] <PaigeWitchyWoman> :P

Topic Fail

/topic Welcome to BirdNet's official network channel! Running InspIRCd 1.2 and Atheme v5b, now with HostServ, GameServ, and BotServ! | | GIR is the official InfoBot! Ask him for the Quote of the Day! (say: qotd?) | TestNet is up! More info at: | #IdleRPG - #Trivia - #StarTrek - #Wolf - all open for gaming | Western Digital.| You may be quoted @!_I%27m_cool_on_IRC

  • PaigeWitchyWoman has changed the topic to: Welcome to BirdNet's official network channel! Running InspIRCd 1.2 and Atheme v5b, now with HostServ, GameServ, and BotServ! | | GIR is the official InfoBot! Ask him for the Quote of the Day! (say: qotd?) | TestNet is up! More info at: | #IdleRPG - #Trivia - #StarTrek - #Wolf - all open for gaming | Western Digital.| You may be quoted @ http://

<PaigeWitchyWoman> ...

<CodeNinja> fail

  • PaigeWitchyWoman has changed the topic to: Welcome to BirdNet's official network channel! Running InspIRCd 1.2 and Atheme v5b, now with HostServ, GameServ, and BotServ! | | GIR is the official InfoBot! Ask him for the Quote of the Day! (say: qotd?) | TestNet is up! More info at: | #IdleRPG - #Trivia - #StarTrek - #Wolf - all open for gaming | Western Digital.| You may be quoted.

Racism & South Park

  • flf opens a session with init to show him his bewbs

<telinit> Nobody wants to see that.

<init> well he's black

<init> so

<init> we have to

<init> or it's discrimination

<flf> you bastard.

<flf> you went there.

<WholeLottaPaigey> omg

<WholeLottaPaigey> you killed kenny

<telinit> you bastards!

<WholeLottaPaigey> does NO ONE want to mourn racism OR stamp out Kenny?

  • WholeLottaPaigey sniffles sadly

<altoid> so telinit better be a hott chix0r

<WholeLottaPaigey> :|


  • telinit wonders if altoid truly though I was a chick
  • telinit laughs

<WholeLottaPaigey> he thought I was a chick too

<WholeLottaPaigey> :P

<init> you are.

<telnet> you are..

<telinit> (allegedly)\

<WholeLottaPaigey> No I'm not

<init> WholeLottaPaigey, OH I found your voice last night I think

<SSH> :/

<WholeLottaPaigey> I'm FBI

<SSH> WholeLottaPaigey, thats not what your blog says...

<WholeLottaPaigey> init, o.o

<telinit> ITS THE POPO

<init> WholeLottaPaigey,

  • telinit RUNS

<WholeLottaPaigey> init, nope not me

<init> WholeLottaPaigey, it sounds female

<init> :p

<WholeLottaPaigey> so raise your hand if you honestly thought I was female

<WholeLottaPaigey> if you raise your hand you get to see my boobs

<subnetmask> well..

<subnetmask> i knew you were a female

  • WholeLottaPaigey shoosts subnetmask

<trelane> it's a trap: she's female, and boobs = CP

<WholeLottaPaigey> s/cp/fbi

<WholeLottaPaigey> you said female and boobs in the same sentence

<WholeLottaPaigey> that is against the law of irc, considering there are no females on irc.

<WholeLottaPaigey> The men are women, the women are men, and the teenagers are FBI.

<telinit> and me is a ROBOT

<WholeLottaPaigey> and FBI agents are actually teenage girls

  • gewt shoots WholeLottaPaigey with fire

<subnetmask> gewt, you fag.


<SpaceGhostC2C> I forgot what physical contact feels like. My laptop keeps me warm and my left hand keeps me company.

<WholeLottaPaigey> My last french kiss was with a weiner dog.

<fow> I can feel it. The love I mean.