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Batman performing the seizure.

A seizure is a popular dance move that is completely universal. In fact, it is so unique, you don't even need music. Extreme caution should be taken when performing the seizure, some of the advanced moves are so demanding that people sometimes have to be hospitalized.

First Public Performance

The first time a seizure was performed was by Oscar Wilde, when he was drunk enough to do the Worm, but too drunk to perform it correctly. He ended up flopping around, and everyone pointed and laughed. Thus, it became the second most popular dance move of all time. From that moment on it became a sensaion across the world, and everyone was doing it. even senior citizens were tempted to pull of the moves, but many were too frail to do so succesfully.

Jim Carrey often causes siezures to movie viewers.


When a person becomes extremely good at performing the seizure, they are referred to as Epileptic and an exceptionally fine performance it is known as a Grand Mal. THese Experts have been given public praise for their seemingly natural ability to do the move successfully. Many experts teach people so everyone can have the thrill of pulling of the move at a dance party. Some experts have even trained themselves to foam at the mouth while performing.

Where they need to go.

For those who have a seizure see a doctor. or have a.

Occasions to Use the Seizure

  • At your sister's dance recital
  • At your sister's piano recital
  • At you sister's Birthday Party
  • In your sister's Presence
  • At your sister's Funeral
  • At the Mall
  • Not at the Mall
  • Thinking about the Mall
  • Not thinking about the Mall
  • Thinking about not thinking of thinking about the Mall (etc...)
  • When reading this sentence....................................................................., haha look a comma
  • When not reading this sentence
  • When you need a Taxi
  • When you don't need a Taxi
  • When you need an Ambulance
  • When you don't need an Ambulance, but still want one
  • If you appear on Oprah
  • Funny Overload (to get back at someone)
  • Yeah! Anytime! why not?
  • When Mudkip use to fire his lazah!

Did you know?

  • ....that the line,"When Mudkip use to fire his lazah" line was type by me typed

this line in Uncyclopedia I typed this on the edit some times ago.When i was not a user here and this website and which you had just been copied.

File:Flashing box.gif

ACK! My neck!

At this point, the article had to be discontinued, because the author, Skate1168, broke his neck performing a seizure when Not thinking about the Mall. So we will cut to something to give you a seizure. File:Partynuke.gif


Look in this images look closer you moron!! File:Ohnos.gif File:Seizurific.gifFile:Seizurific.gifFile:Seizurific.gifFile:Seizurific.gifFile:Seizurific.gif File:Seizurific.gifFile:Seizurific.gifFile:Seizurific.gifFile:Seizurific.gifFile:Seizurific.gif File:Seizurific.gifFile:Seizurific.gifFile:Seizurific.gifFile:Seizurific.gifFile:Seizurific.gif File:Seizurific.gifFile:Seizurific.gifFile:Seizurific.gifFile:Seizurific.gifFile:Seizurific.gif File:Seizurific.gifFile:Seizurific.gifFile:Seizurific.gifFile:Seizurific.gifFile:Seizurific.gif File:Seizurific.gifFile:Seizurific.gifFile:Seizurific.gifFile:Seizurific.gifFile:Seizurific.gif File:Seizurific.gifFile:Seizurific.gifFile:Seizurific.gifFile:Seizurific.gifFile:Seizurific.gif

One last note

File:Post Seizure.gif

Post this in an epletic forum, and you can make other experts do the seizure, even if they don't want to! EVIL!!!!1 Warning:This article is

See Also