Shall we walk without chain?

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  This article is quoted from a chatroom somewhere. 

Known Networks 		ChatZilla error 	Connected Networks 	<none>
URL 	irc://foo/bar 	Not Connected 	Lag 	<unknown>
URL 	irc:// 	Mode 	+tnc 	Users 	9, 2@, 0%, 0+
Topic 	 Check out the interwebsite :) | | Plain and simple is how we like it | So long and thanks for all the fish!
URL 	irc://foo/bar 	Connected via 	<none>
<none> 	Connected to 	<none>
File 		Progress 	<unknown>

[16:27]	<MrMetalflower>	lol
[16:27]	<chuck>	!channel ignore remove #illogicopedia MrMetalflower
[16:27]	<Logicbot>	chuck: The operation succeeded.
[16:28]	=-=	Asema is now known as Viperaper
[16:28]	<MrMetalflower>	?
[16:28]	=-=	Viperaper is now known as Asema
[16:28]	<MrMetalflower>	why are you makign it ignore me? wtf did I do?
[16:28]	<Asema>	Who is Chuck, anyways?
[16:28]	<Asema>	He unignored you.
[16:28]	<chuck>	MrMetalflower: i just unignored you :/
[16:28]	<MrMetalflower>	oh okay
[16:28]	<chuck>	"ignore remove"
[16:28]	<MrMetalflower>	ty
[16:28]	<MrMetalflower>	lol
[16:28]	<Asema>	But Chuck, who are j00?
[16:29]	<chuck>	Asema: Flameviper told me to bring the bot here i guess
[16:29]	<MrMetalflower>	!say hi Asema
[16:29]	<Logicbot>	MrMetalflower: Error: You must be registered to use this command. If you are already registered, you must either identify (using the identify command) or add a hostmask matching your current hostmask (using the "hostmask add" command).
[16:29]	<MrMetalflower>	I did register damn you!
[16:29]	<chuck>	did you identify?
[16:29]	<MrMetalflower>	!identify
[16:29]	<Logicbot>	MrMetalflower: Error: That operation cannot be done in a channel.
[16:29]	<MrMetalflower>	lol
[16:29]	<Asema>	OMG FLAMEVIPER
[16:29]	<Asema>	I MUST BEET JOO
[16:29]	<Asema>	OMNISLASH
[16:29]	<Flameviper>	/msg Logicbot Register MrMetalflower fraknode
[16:30]	<Flameviper>	MrMetalflower: just do that without the space, or change the password or whatever
[16:30]	<Asema>	I MUST BEET JOO
[16:30]	<chuck>	!load Nickometer
[16:30]	<Logicbot>	chuck: The operation succeeded.
[16:30]	<chuck>	!nickometer Asema
[16:30]	<Logicbot>	chuck: The "lame nick-o-meter" reading for "Asema" is 0.0%.
[16:30]	<Flameviper>	!nickometer Shitballs
[16:30]	<Logicbot>	Flameviper: The "lame nick-o-meter" reading for "Shitballs" is 61.6%.
[16:31]	<Flameviper>	lol
[16:31]	<chuck>	!nickometer chuck
[16:31]	<Logicbot>	chuck: The "lame nick-o-meter" reading for "chuck" is 0.0%.
[16:31]	<Flameviper>	!nickometer Flameviper
[16:31]	<Logicbot>	Flameviper: The "lame nick-o-meter" reading for "Flameviper" is 61.6%.
[16:31]	<chuck>	hahaha
[16:31]	<Flameviper>	WHAT THE HELL?!
[16:31]	<Asema>	!nickometer MrMetalFlower
[16:31]	<Logicbot>	Asema: The "lame nick-o-meter" reading for "MrMetalFlower" is 17.6%.
[16:31]	<Asema>	!nickometer Asema
[16:31]	<Logicbot>	Asema: The "lame nick-o-meter" reading for "Asema" is 0.0%.
[16:31]	<chuck>	!nickometer Logicbot
[16:31]	<Logicbot>	chuck: The "lame nick-o-meter" reading for "Logicbot" is 0.0%.
[16:31]	<Flameviper>	!say I completely revoke everything I just said. I suck. Flameviper rules. I say this under no duress.
[16:31]	<Logicbot>	I completely revoke everything I just said. I suck. Flameviper rules. I say this under no duress.
[16:31]	<Flameviper>	!do is poked in the temple by a pistol
[16:31]	* Logicbot	is poked in the temple by a pistol
[16:32]	<Asema>	!say Wait, wait. I take that back, UNLESS Flameviper fights Asema and wins.
[16:32]	<Logicbot>	Wait, wait. I take that back, UNLESS Flameviper fights Asema and wins.
[16:32]	<chuck>	lol
[16:32]	<Asema>	!say Because Asema's nick is less lame.
[16:32]	<Logicbot>	Because Asema's nick is less lame.
[16:32]	* Flameviper	stabbity stabs Asema
[16:32]	<chuck>	i say we play a game of russian roulette to settle this
[16:32]	<Logicbot>	MrMetalflower: Error: You must be registered to use this command. If you are already registered, you must either identify (using the identify command) or add a hostmask matching your current hostmask (using the "hostmask add" command).
[16:32]	* Asema	takes damage.
[16:33]	* Asema	jumps into space and throws the sun at Flameviper.
[16:33]	<Asema>	MEGIDDO, BITCH
[16:33]	<chuck>	!roulette spin
[16:33]	<Logicbot>	*SPIN* Are you feeling lucky?
[16:33]	<chuck>	all right
[16:33]	<MrMetalflower>	why isnt it letting me register?
[16:33]	<chuck>	MrMetalflower: what does it say when you try to?
[16:33]	<MrMetalflower>	nothing
[16:34]	<chuck>	?
[16:34]	<chuck>	!users
[16:34]	<Logicbot>	chuck: Error: "users" is not a valid command.
[16:34]	<chuck>	-_-
[16:34]	<MrMetalflower>	lol
[16:34]	<chuck>	!list
[16:34]	<Logicbot>	chuck: Admin, Anonymous, Channel, Config, Ctcp, Factoids, Filter, Format, Games, Google, Internet, Karma, Misc, Nickometer, Note, Owner, Seen, ShrinkUrl, and User
[16:34]	<chuck>	what the hell
[16:34]	<chuck>	!user list
[16:34]	<Logicbot>	chuck: Asema, chuck, and Flameviper
[16:34]	<chuck>	hrm
[16:34]	* Flameviper	floods Asema's body with acetylsholinesterase
[16:34]	<chuck>	it must be ignoring you :/
[16:34]	<chuck>	!ignore list
[16:34]	<Logicbot>	chuck: Error: The command "ignore list" is available in the Admin and Channel plugins. Please specify the plugin whose command you wish to call by using its name as a command before "ignore list".
[16:34]	<Flameviper>	*acetylcholinesterase
[16:34]	<chuck>	!channel ignore list
[16:34]	<Logicbot>	chuck: I'm not currently ignoring any hostmasks in "#illogicopedia"
[16:35]	<chuck>	!admin ignore list
[16:35]	<Logicbot>	chuck: I'm not currently globally ignoring anyone.
[16:35]	<Flameviper>	!anonymous WTF
[16:35]	<Logicbot>	Flameviper: Error: The "Anonymous" plugin is loaded, but there is no command named "WTF" in it. Try "list Anonymous" to see the commands in the "Anonymous" plugin.
[16:35]	<Flameviper>	!list Anonymous
[16:35]	<Logicbot>	Flameviper: do and say
[16:35]	<MrMetalflower>	!dead babies
[16:35]	<Logicbot>	MrMetalflower: Error: "dead" is not a valid command.
[16:35]	<chuck>	lol
[16:35]	<Flameviper>	!anonymous do EAT CHEESE
[16:35]	* Logicbot	EAT CHEESE
[16:35]	<Asema>	That is a neurotransmitter.
[16:35]	<Asema>	All it'll really do is make my brain work faster.
[16:35]	<Flameviper>	It's a muscarinic tetanus inhibitor!
[16:35]	<chuck>	MrMetalflower: what command are you trying?
[16:36]	<Flameviper>	It will relax your muscles and destroy the acetylcholine contained within
[16:36]	<Flameviper>	YOU CAN'T MOVE
[16:36]	<Flameviper>	YOUR HEART STOPS BEATING
[16:36]	<Flameviper>	NOW WHAT BITCH
[16:36]	<Asema>	No, it is an enzyme which allows neural transmission across synapses.
[16:36]	<MrMetalflower>	various
[16:36]	<Flameviper>	!say dead babies
[16:36]	<Flameviper>	!say dead babies
[16:36]	<Logicbot>	dead babies
[16:36]	<Flameviper>	!say dead babies
[16:36]	<Flameviper>	!say dead babies
[16:36]	<Logicbot>	dead babies
[16:36]	<Flameviper>	!say dead babies
[16:36]	<Logicbot>	dead babies
[16:36]	<MrMetalflower>	<MrMetalflower> register MMF phillip
[16:36]	<Logicbot>	dead babies
[16:36]	<MrMetalflower>	<MrMetalflower> !identify
[16:36]	<MrMetalflower>	<MrMetalflower> Register MrMetalflower phillip
[16:36]	<MrMetalflower>	<MrMetalflower> !register MMF phillip
[16:36]	<MrMetalflower>	<MrMetalflower> register mmf phillip
[16:36]	=-=	YOU (Flameviper) have been booted from #illogicopedia by Asema (SAY KICK!)
[16:36]	-->|	YOU (Flameviper) have joined #illogicopedia
[16:36]	=-=	Topic for #illogicopedia is “Check out the interwebsite :) | | Plain and simple is how we like it | So long and thanks for all the fish!”
[16:36]	=-=	Topic for #illogicopedia was set by Asema on Friday, August 03, 2007 7:29:19 AM
[16:36]	*ChanServ*	 [#illogicopedia] Welcome to ?pedia,
[16:36]	<MrMetalflower>	!say lol
[16:36]	<Logicbot>	MrMetalflower: Error: You must be registered to use this command. If you are already registered, you must either identify (using the identify command) or add a hostmask matching your current hostmask (using the "hostmask add" command).
[16:36]	<MrMetalflower>	FFS
[16:36]	<chuck>	MrMetalflower: try this: /msg Logicbot register MrMetalflower <password>
[16:37]	<Asema>	Without the <>
[16:37]	<Flameviper>	!list
[16:37]	<Logicbot>	Flameviper: Admin, Anonymous, Channel, Config, Ctcp, Factoids, Filter, Format, Games, Google, Internet, Karma, Misc, Nickometer, Note, Owner, Seen, ShrinkUrl, and User
[16:37]	<Flameviper>	!list admin
[16:37]	<Logicbot>	Flameviper: capability add, capability remove, channels, ignore add, ignore list, ignore remove, join, nick, and part
[16:37]	<Asema>	!google hax
[16:37]	<Logicbot>	Asema: Search took 0.10 seconds: Carolyn Hax : Tell Me About It - <>; Live Online: <>; Urban Dictionary: hax: <>; Hax: <>; OS X Hax: <>; The (1 more message)
[16:37]	<Flameviper>	!list channel
[16:37]	<Logicbot>	Flameviper: alert, ban add, ban list, ban remove, capability add, capability list, capability remove, capability set, capability setdefault, capability unset, cycle, dehalfop, deop, devoice, disable, enable, halfop, ignore add, ignore list, ignore remove, invite, kban, key, kick, limit, lobotomy add, lobotomy list, lobotomy remove, mode, moderate, nicks, op, unban, unmoderate, and voice
[16:37]	<Flameviper>	!list config
[16:37]	<Logicbot>	Flameviper: channel, config, default, export, help, list, reload, and search
[16:37]	<MrMetalflower>	it did nothing
[16:37]	<Flameviper>	!list factoids
[16:37]	<Asema>	!google Flameviper
[16:37]	<Logicbot>	Flameviper: change, forget, info, learn, lock, random, search, unlock, and whatis
[16:37]	<Logicbot>	Asema: Search took 0.29 seconds: User talk: Flameviper - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia: <>; User: Flameviper - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia: <>; Derek's Exotic Cars - 1999 Dodge Viper Rt/10 Lassen Edition: <>; User: Flameviper - Wikisource: (3 more messages)
[16:37]	<MrMetalflower>	!say LET ME WORK DAMNIT
[16:37]	<Logicbot>	MrMetalflower: Error: You must be registered to use this command. If you are already registered, you must either identify (using the identify command) or add a hostmask matching your current hostmask (using the "hostmask add" command).
[16:37]	<chuck>	!part #illogicopedia
[16:37]	<--|	Logicbot has left #illogicopedia ("chuck")
[16:37]	<Asema>	Now type !identify in the same window.
[16:37]	<Flameviper>	Loko what you've done, you assholes
[16:38]	<chuck>	Asema: w/o the !
[16:38]	>Logicbot<	register MrMetalflower <password>
[16:38]	>Logicbot<	register MrMetalflower <password>
[16:38]	<chuck>	Flameviper: it was actually mostly you
[16:38]	<Flameviper>	I was seeing its capabilities
[16:38]	<chuck>	you can do that via pm
[16:38]	<chuck>	this is the last change i'm giving
[16:38]	-->|	Logicbot (n=supybot@ has joined #illogicopedia
[16:39]	<Flameviper>	All right, stop doing stupid crap
[16:39]	<MrMetalflower>	!help register
[16:39]	<Logicbot>	MrMetalflower: (register <name> <password>) -- Registers <name> with the given password <password> and the current hostmask of the person registering. You shouldn't register twice; if you're not recognized as a user but you've already registered, use the hostmask add command to add another hostmask to your already-registered user, or use the identify command to identify just for a session. This command (and all (1 more message)
[16:39]	<chuck>	MrMetalflower: ...
[16:39]	<chuck>	i repeat,
[16:39]	<MrMetalflower>	yes?
[16:39]	<chuck>	DO IT VIA FUCKING PM
[16:39]	<MrMetalflower>	I have been trying
[16:39]	<MrMetalflower>	I HAVE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
[16:39]	<MrMetalflower>	I FUCKING HAVE
[16:40]	<chuck>	!user list
[16:40]	<Logicbot>	chuck: Asema, chuck, and Flameviper
[16:40]	<chuck>	argh
[16:40]	<Flameviper>	you're using the wikia gateway, I think that's why
[16:40]	<Flameviper>	!roulette spin
[16:40]	<Logicbot>	*SPIN* Are you feeling lucky?
[16:40]	<Flameviper>	!roulette
[16:40]	<Logicbot>	Flameviper: *click*
[16:41]	<Flameviper>	!roulette
[16:41]	<Logicbot>	Flameviper: *click*
[16:41]	<Flameviper>	!roulette
[16:41]	<Logicbot>	Flameviper: *click*
[16:41]	<Flameviper>	!roulette
[16:41]	<Logicbot>	Flameviper: *click*
[16:41]	<Flameviper>	!roulette
[16:41]	<Logicbot>	Flameviper: *click*
[16:41]	<Flameviper>	!roulette
[16:41]	<Logicbot>	*BANG* Hey, who put a blank in here?!
[16:41]	* Logicbot	reloads and spins the chambers.
[16:41]	<Flameviper>	!roulette
[16:41]	<Logicbot>	*BANG* Hey, who put a blank in here?!
[16:41]	<Flameviper>	!roulette
[16:41]	* Logicbot	reloads and spins the chambers.
[16:41]	<Logicbot>	Flameviper: *click*
[16:41]	<Flameviper>	!roulette
[16:41]	<Logicbot>	Flameviper: *click*
[16:41]	<Flameviper>	!roulette
[16:41]	<Logicbot>	Flameviper: *click*
[16:41]	<MrMetalflower>	what do you mean FPV
[16:41]	<Flameviper>	!roulette
[16:41]	<Logicbot>	Flameviper: *click*
[16:41]	<MrMetalflower>	FV*
[16:41]	<MrMetalflower>	?
[16:41]	<Flameviper>	it isn't a regular hostmask
[16:41]	<chuck>	ah
[16:42]	<chuck>	yeah
[16:42]	<chuck>	it's probably too klong
[16:42]	<MrMetalflower>	I don't understand your fancy talk
[16:42]	<MrMetalflower>	lol
[16:42]	<MrMetalflower>	"Ah dawn't geht it"
[16:42]	===	MrMetalflower <i=5ac2bd54@gateway/web/cgi-irc/> “ [] MrMetalFLower from irc.wikia”
[16:42]	===	MrMetalflower: member of #illogicopedia
[16:42]	===	MrMetalflower: attached to “”
[16:42]	---	End of WHOIS information for MrMetalflower.
[16:42]	<chuck>	MrMetalflower: you're using the wikia cgi-irc gateway
[16:42]	<chuck>	so you have a weird hostmask
[16:42]	===	Flameviper <> “New Now Know How”
[16:42]	===	Flameviper: member of #illogicopedia, #freenode, ##russianroulette, #wikipedia-en, and #defocus
[16:42]	===	Flameviper: attached to “Missoula, MT, US”
[16:42]	===	Flameviper is identified to services
[16:42]	===	Flameviper: idle for 22 seconds (on since Thursday, August 09, 2007 10:50:09 AM)
[16:42]	---	End of WHOIS information for Flameviper.
[16:42]	<chuck>	and the bot doesn't like that
[16:42]	<Flameviper>	i=5ac2bd54@gateway/web/cgi-irc/
[16:42]	<Flameviper>	vs.
[16:43]	<MrMetalflower>	I understood the third sentence there
[16:43]	<MrMetalflower>	I don't have a vast computing knowledge
[16:43]	<MrMetalflower>	lol
[16:43]	<Flameviper>	i=5ac2bd54@gateway/web/cgi-irc/ = your hostmask. It's fucking HUGE
[16:43]	<chuck>	you're using wikia irc gateway you dumbass
[16:43]	<chuck>	get a real irc client!
[16:44]	<Asema>	Now, now, ladies. No flaming. :P
[16:44]	<MrMetalflower>	I didn't come here to be insulted by some  cunt who doesn't get that I don't spend my life researching computer data to find it out
[16:44]	>MrMetalflower<	He's going to /part the bot if you don't shut up
[16:44]	<MrMetalflower>	if you bombard me with technical shit I am NOT going to understand it
[16:44]	<chuck>	lol
[16:44]	<MrMetalflower>	like 95% of the world.
[16:44]	>MrMetalflower<	In all honesty, it wasn't that techincal
[16:45]	>MrMetalflower<	and you didn't make the situation any better by calling him a cunt
[16:45]	<chuck>	yes, the reason why Flameviper and I know about hostmasks are because we "spend our lives researching computer data" :/
[16:45]	<Flameviper>	FLAMEWAR!
[16:45]	<Flameviper>	FLAMEWAR!
[16:45]	<Flameviper>	FLAMEWAR!
[16:45]	<Flameviper>	FLAMEWAR!
[16:45]	<Flameviper>	FLAMEWAR!
[16:45]	<MrMetalflower>	whereas I didn't
[16:45]	<Flameviper>	!say MrMetalFlower is a dead baby
[16:45]	<Logicbot>	MrMetalFlower is a dead baby
[16:45]	<MrMetalflower>	no, but you spent your time finding it out
[16:45]	<Flameviper>	!say MrMetalFlower is a dead baby
[16:45]	<Flameviper>	!say MrMetalFlower is a dead baby
[16:45]	<Logicbot>	MrMetalFlower is a dead baby
[16:45]	<Logicbot>	MrMetalFlower is a dead baby
[16:45]	<MrMetalflower>	wow it sent it the wrong way round
[16:46]	<MrMetalflower>	lol
[16:46]	<Flameviper>	I spent 5 minutes reading an IRC guide
[16:46]	<MrMetalflower>	You insulting me was completely uncalled for
[16:46]	<Flameviper>	!say !say !say WTF
[16:46]	<Logicbot>	!say !say WTF
[16:46]	<Flameviper>	Can we get another bot?
[16:46]	<chuck>	MrMetalflower: i spent 20 seconds learning context clues
[16:46]	<MrMetalflower>	It's like "he's a dumbass he dosn't know IRC technical data"
[16:46]	<Flameviper>	and have Logicbot register to the second bot?
[16:46]	<MrMetalflower>	I don't care how long you took
[16:47]	<MrMetalflower>	I won't be insulted for not knowing shit like that
[16:47]	<Flameviper>	It's like telling someone "This is a tree" and having them yell at you for saying "WHAT THE FUCK I DIDN'T FUCKING KNOW WHAT A TREE IS YOU CUNT"
[16:47]	<MrMetalflower>	If it was like "What's belgium"
[16:47]	<MrMetalflower>	i'd be okay u insulting me lol
[16:47]	<Flameviper>	LOL ANGRY REETARDES
[16:47]	<Flameviper>	LOL ANGRY REETARDES
[16:47]	<Flameviper>	LOL ANGRY REETARDES
[16:47]	<Flameviper>	LOL ANGRY REETARDES
[16:47]	<Flameviper>	LOL ANGRY REETARDES
[16:47]	<MrMetalflower>	haha
[16:47]	<chuck>	MrMetalflower: if you don't want it to be insulting, then don't take it as that
[16:47]	<chuck>	i can't get inside your head and control your thoughts
[16:48]	<MrMetalflower>	no
[16:48]	<MrMetalflower>	but people have a social impact
[16:48]	<MrMetalflower>	it's called civilisation and it's something that exists
[16:48]	=-=	YOU are now known as Frameviper
[16:49]	<chuck>	lmfao
[16:49]	<Frameviper>	Can I have a cloak as well?
[16:49]	<Frameviper>	Can I have a cloak as well?
[16:49]	<Frameviper>	Can I have a cloak as well?
[16:49]	<Frameviper>	Can I have a cloak as well?
[16:49]	<Frameviper>	Can I have a cloak as well?
[16:49]	<Frameviper>	Can I have a cloak as well?
[16:49]	<Frameviper>	Can I have a cloak as well?
[16:49]	<Frameviper>	Can I have a cloak as well?
[16:49]	<Frameviper>	Can I have a cloak as well?
[16:49]	<Frameviper>	Can I have a cloak as well?
[16:50]	<MrMetalflower>	HowTo: Get kicked from IRC
[16:50]	<MrMetalflower>	=P
[16:50]	<MrMetalflower>	hehe
[16:50]	=-=	YOU (Frameviper) have been booted from #illogicopedia by Asema (That was a great tutorial.)
[16:50]	-->|	YOU (Frameviper) have joined #illogicopedia
[16:50]	=-=	Topic for #illogicopedia is “Check out the interwebsite :) | | Plain and simple is how we like it | So long and thanks for all the fish!”
[16:50]	=-=	Topic for #illogicopedia was set by Asema on Friday, August 03, 2007 7:29:19 AM
[16:50]	<MrMetalflower>	hahaha
[16:50]	*ChanServ*	 [#illogicopedia] Welcome to ?pedia,
[16:50]	<MrMetalflower>	WhyTo: Not go on IRC while Asema is opped
[16:50]	<MrMetalflower>	hahahaha
[16:51]	<Asema>	You really should follow that tutorial, you know.
[16:51]	<chuck>	!hostmask list chuck
[16:51]	<Logicbot>	chuck: Error: That operation cannot be done in a channel.
[16:51]	<MrMetalflower>	what tutorial?
[16:52]	<Asema>	WhyTo: Not go on IRC while Asema is opped.
[16:52]	<MrMetalflower>	haha
[16:52]	<Asema>	 [20:49] <@Asema> HOW I MINE FOR FISH
[16:52]	<Asema>	 [20:50] <@TheRealJollyRoger> I DUNNO
[16:52]	<Asema>	 [20:50] <@TheRealJollyRoger> PRESS X
[16:52]	<Asema>	 [20:50] <@TheRealJollyRoger> X
[16:52]	<Asema>	 [20:50] <@TheRealJollyRoger> X DAMNIT
[16:52]	<Asema>	 [20:50] <@Asema> I TRIED THAT
[16:52]	<Asema>	 [20:50] <@Asema> I THREW TEH BAZOOKA IN WATER INSTEAD
[16:52]	<Asema>	 [20:50] <@Asema> THAT NOT MINING
[16:52]	<Asema>	 [20:50] <@TheRealJollyRoger> DOOD
[16:52]	<Asema>	 [20:50] <@TheRealJollyRoger> WTF
[16:52]	<Asema>	 [20:50] <@TheRealJollyRoger> PRESS X
[16:53]	<Asema>	 [20:50] <@Asema> I DID
[16:53]	<Asema>	 [20:50] <@Asema> MY GUY THREW BAZOOKA IN TEH WATER
[16:53]	<Frameviper>	WOOT NOOB
[16:53]	<MrMetalflower>	hehe
[16:53]	<Asema>	 [20:50] <@TheRealJollyRoger> OMG
[16:53]	<Asema>	 [20:50] <@TheRealJollyRoger> UR DOING IT WRONG
[16:53]	<Asema>	 [20:51] <@TheRealJollyRoger> OMG UR DOING IT WRONG
[16:53]	<Asema>	 [20:51] <@Asema> I NOT
[16:53]	<Asema>	 [20:51] <@Asema> I PRESSED X
[16:53]	<Frameviper>	YOU CLICK ON ROCKS
[16:53]	<Asema>	 [20:51] <@Asema> I NEED FISH
[16:53]	<Asema>	 [20:51] <@Asema> TO TELL FOR GOLD
[16:53]	<Asema>	 [20:51] <@Asema> SELL
[16:53]	<Asema>	 [20:52] <@Asema> SO I CAN BUY BUSTER SWORD
[16:53]	<Asema>	 [20:52] <@TheRealJollyRoger> OHHHH
[16:53]	<MrMetalflower>	DOGSECKS
[16:53]	<Asema>	 [20:52] <@TheRealJollyRoger> DUDE
[16:53]	<Asema>	 [20:52] <@TheRealJollyRoger> DEWD
[16:53]	<Asema>	 [20:52] <@TheRealJollyRoger> PRESS Y
[16:53]	<chuck>	SHUT UP
[16:53]	<Asema>	 [20:52] <@TheRealJollyRoger> OMG U PRESS X? NOOB
[16:53]	<Asema>	 [20:52] <@Asema> OH THERE WE GO
[16:53]	<Asema>	 [20:52] <@Asema> OMG
[16:53]	>Logicbot<	say #illogicopedia Fuck shit shit
[16:53]	<Asema>	 [20:52] <@Asema> MY PICKAXE ISN'T CATCHING ANYTHING
[16:53]	<MrMetalflower>	WOFLCOX
[16:53]	<Asema>	 [20:52] <@Asema> THEY SAID IT WAS VERY BROAD
[16:53]	<Asema>	 [20:52] <@Asema> IT SHOULD HAVE A WIDE ANGLE CATCHING AREA
[16:53]	<chuck>	shut up
[16:53]	<Asema>	 [20:53] <@TheRealJollyRoger> DOOD GO TO DIFFERENT SPOT NOOB
[16:53]	<Asema>	 [20:53] <@Asema> THERE IS ONLY 1 SPOT
[16:53]	<chuck>	SHUT THE FUCK UP
[16:53]	<Asema>	 [20:53] <@TheRealJollyRoger> NO U
[16:53]	<Asema>	 [20:53] <@Asema> NO U
[16:53]	<Asema>	 [20:54] <@TheRealJollyRoger> OMG STFU NOOB
[16:53]	<MrMetalflower>	u dont need to post it u know
[16:53]	<Asema>	World of Warcraft, mainly.
[16:53]	<Asema>	You know, that's very rude.
[16:54]	<MrMetalflower>	ewww
[16:54]	<Asema>	I apoligize.
[16:54]	<MrMetalflower>	WoW = dead
[16:54]	<Frameviper>	WIKIHELL
[16:54]	<Frameviper>	WIKIHELL
[16:54]	<Frameviper>	WIKIHELL
[16:54]	<Frameviper>	WIKIHELL
[16:54]	<Frameviper>	WIKIHELL
[16:54]	<Frameviper>	WIKIHELL
[16:54]	<Frameviper>	WIKIHELL
[16:54]	<Frameviper>	WIKIHELL
[16:54]	<Frameviper>	WIKIHELL
[16:54]	<Frameviper>	WIKIHELL
[16:54]	<Asema>	Hmm.
[16:54]	<MrMetalflower>	FOR FREE
[16:55]	<MrMetalflower>	except without runescape-styley item aqcuiring
[16:55]	<MrMetalflower>	lol
[16:55]	<chuck>	Asema: are you an admin of illogicopedia?
[16:55]	>Logicbot<	register Frameviper freenode
[16:55]	<Asema>	Yes.
[16:55]	<Frameviper>	LOL
[16:55]	<Frameviper>	!say I work.
[16:55]	<MrMetalflower>	I am an admin on ?pedia also
[16:55]	<Logicbot>	I work.
[16:55]	<Asema>	MrMetalFlower didn't reach puberty yet, however, so he doesn't get ops on the channel.
[16:55]	>Logicbot<	say #illogicopedia DEAD BABIES
[16:55]	<Logicbot>	DEAD BABIES
[16:55]	<MrMetalflower>	haha
[16:55]	>Logicbot<	say #illogicopedia DEAD BABIES
[16:55]	>Logicbot<	say #illogicopedia DEAD BABIES
[16:55]	>Logicbot<	say #illogicopedia DEAD BABIES
[16:55]	>Logicbot<	say #illogicopedia DEAD BABIES
[16:55]	<Logicbot>	DEAD BABIES
[16:55]	>Logicbot<	say #illogicopedia DEAD BABIES
[16:55]	>Logicbot<	say #illogicopedia DEAD BABIES
[16:55]	>Logicbot<	say #illogicopedia DEAD BABIES
[16:55]	>Logicbot<	say #illogicopedia DEAD BABIES
[16:55]	>Logicbot<	say #illogicopedia DEAD BABIES
[16:55]	>Logicbot<	say #illogicopedia DEAD BABIES
[16:55]	<Logicbot>	DEAD BABIES
[16:55]	>Logicbot<	say #illogicopedia DEAD BABIES
[16:55]	>Logicbot<	say #illogicopedia DEAD BABIES
[16:55]	<Logicbot>	DEAD BABIES
[16:55]	<Logicbot>	DEAD BABIES
[16:55]	<Logicbot>	DEAD BABIES
[16:55]	<Logicbot>	DEAD BABIES
[16:55]	<Asema>	You know, it's easy to tell who does that.
[16:55]	<Logicbot>	DEAD BABIES
[16:55]	<Logicbot>	DEAD BABIES
[16:55]	<Logicbot>	DEAD BABIES
[16:55]	<Logicbot>	DEAD BABIES
[16:55]	<Logicbot>	DEAD BABIES
[16:55]	<Asema>	Saying it in pmsg doesn't make it any less visible, Flameviper.
[16:55]	<Logicbot>	DEAD BABIES
[16:56]	<chuck>	!part #illogicopedia
[16:56]	<--|	Logicbot has left #illogicopedia ("chuck")
[16:56]	<MrMetalflower>	it's called Seppy being too lazy to do it ^^ I think
[16:56]	<Asema>	Well, I could add you to the ops list.
[16:56]	<MrMetalflower>	hey i'm the dead babies guy here... I just wasnt doing it then
[16:56]	<MrMetalflower>	will you however? hehe :P
[16:56]	<Asema>	Sure, why not.
[16:56]	<MrMetalflower>	go ahead ^_^
[16:56]	<Frameviper>	Make me an op too
[16:56]	*ChanServ*	The channel  [Flameviper] is not registered
[16:57]	*ChanServ*	An access level of  [10] is required for  [OP] on #Illogicopedia
[16:57]	<chuck>	Asema: how come you guys don't host your wiki on a hosting provider or a shell service where there wouldn't be ads?
[16:57]	-->|	DGNeree ( has joined #illogicopedia
[16:57]	<Asema>	Because Silent Penguin is already paying for a domain name.
[16:57]	<MrMetalflower>	hey DNGeree :)
[16:57]	<MrMetalflower>	DGN
[16:57]	<MrMetalflower>	lol*
[16:57]	<DGNeree>	hello
[16:58]	<chuck>	Asema: i know, but you could host the domain at the webhost
[16:58]	* MrMetalflower	can has op?
[16:58]	<Asema>	Not yet.
[16:58]	<Asema>	One moment.
[16:58]	<MrMetalflower>	heehee
[16:58]	<MrMetalflower>	=P
[17:00]	<Asema>	Hmm.
[17:00]	<Asema>	It appears I can't.
[17:00]	<Asema>	Strange; on my own channel it is different.
[17:00]	<Asema>	And I am not owner there.
[17:00]	<MrMetalflower>	k :P
[17:00]	<Asema>	However, I can give you a...
[17:01]	<MrMetalflower>	woooooo :D
[17:01]	<DGNeree>	are you talking servers?
[17:01]	<Asema>	Yes.
[17:01]	<MrMetalflower>	I have many attached via a large tube to my bellybutton
[17:01]	<MrMetalflower>	it's not even an umbilical cord O.o
[17:01]	<Asema>	Chuck thinks we should be on our own webhost so that we don't have adds.
[17:01]	<MrMetalflower>	TEST TUBES
[17:01]	<MrMetalflower>	glass ones.
[17:02]	<MrMetalflower>	owie
[17:02]	<chuck>	DGNeree: i've got a server you guys can host it on if you'd like
[17:03]	<DGNeree>	well, i've got nothing to say about it
[17:03]	<DGNeree>	i mean, it's not up to me
[17:03]	<DGNeree>	but wasn't Seppy working on something too?
[17:04]	<Asema>	That is not my decision to make.
[17:04]	<Asema>	Best to ask Silent Penguin.
[17:04]	<Asema>	I will do so if you wish.
[17:04]	<DGNeree>	chuck: SilentPenguin is building a site for me
[17:05]	<DGNeree>	and i need serverspace for that too
[17:05]	<DGNeree>	well i guess it would have to have the consent of the illogicopedian community
[17:06]	<chuck>	on a side note, i love this theme for mediawiki:
[17:06]	<DGNeree>	the slowness of the wikia servers is horrible at peak hours
[17:06]	<chuck>	my server is at
[17:07]	<DGNeree>	wheres silent penguin?
[17:08]	<Frameviper>	SHALL WE WALK WITHOUT CHAIN?
[17:08]	<Frameviper>	SHALL WE WALK WITHOUT CHAIN?
[17:08]	<Frameviper>	SHALL WE WALK WITHOUT CHAIN?
[17:08]	<Frameviper>	SHALL WE WALK WITHOUT CHAIN?
[17:08]	<Frameviper>	SHALL WE WALK WITHOUT CHAIN?
[17:08]	<chuck>	?
[17:08]	<DGNeree>	Spartacus!!!
[17:08]	<Asema>	SHALL WE GET KICKED?
[17:08]	<Asema>	SHALL WE GET KICKED?
[17:08]	<Asema>	SHALL WE GET KICKED?
[17:09]	<Asema>	SHALL WE GET KICKED?
[17:09]	<DGNeree>	chuck, never mind Sir F.
[17:09]	<Asema>	Yes. Don't mind him. I'll deal with him.
[17:09]	<chuck>	and i just came up with a wonderful idea
[17:09]	=-=	YOU are now known as Flameviper
[17:10]	-->|	Logicbot (n=supybot@ has joined #illogicopedia
[17:10]	* MrMetalflower	sits on seppy's penis
[17:10]	<MrMetalflower>	!lol
[17:10]	<Logicbot>	MrMetalflower: Error: "lol" is not a valid command.
[17:10]	<MrMetalflower>	hehe
[17:10]	<Asema>	Okay, that was REALLY uncalled for.
[17:10]	<chuck>	!channel ignore add #illogicopedia Flameviper
[17:10]	<Logicbot>	chuck: The operation succeeded.
[17:10]	===	Private messages from unregistered users are currently blocked due to spam problems, but you can always message a staffer. Please register! ( )
[17:11]	<MrMetalflower>	what was?
[17:11]	<Flameviper>	SHALL WE WALK WITHOUT CHAIN?
[17:11]	<Flameviper>	SHALL WE WALK WITHOUT CHAIN?
[17:11]	<Flameviper>	SHALL WE WALK WITHOUT CHAIN?
[17:11]	<Flameviper>	SHALL WE WALK WITHOUT CHAIN?
[17:11]	<Asema>	Sitting on Seppy's penis.
[17:11]	<Flameviper>	LOL