Shooting cows in the head YEY

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“Oh, that gun's no good. The old way, with a sledge! You see that way's better, they die better that way. With the new way, people put out of jobs. Look! I was the killer!”

- Hitchhiker "Nubbins" Sawyer on Shooting cows in the head

We 'all going to shoot the cows in the head, yey! It's not much of a challenge I'll admit, it's kinda like cow tipping but with more guts.


  1. Shoot
  2. It
  3. In
  4. The
  5. Head

GET IT? good now for strategy...


  1. Shoot
  2. It
  3. In
  4. The
  5. Head

GET IT? good, now for the way of the warrior

  • The way of the warrior is mysterious and secretive (shoot it you third-rate herbivore slaughterer).
  • The deadliest kill is selfishness. Shoot it with your smile (spare the deputy.)
  • Be calm. YOU HEAR??!
  • Shake it like a Polaroid picture.