Sleeping Naked

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Continuing in our series on disturbing if faux-informative bodily processes, we present you with a serious look at the shady underground world of SLEEPING NAKED!!

Our veteran journalist, Timm Trabb, will risk life and limb to infiltrate the gangs that hold up the institution, building what trust he can and gleaning any information possible. Most of his time will be spent undercover, though occasionally on top of it, and without one at all in the Summer. What is likely to follow is the most dangerous 4 months of his life, and the most enlightening 45 minutes of ours...


Trabb and his cameraman are crouched by the side of the bed. In it a man is sleeping peacefully, his chest rising and falling rhythmically

"Well, this isn't too bad."

*the man rolls over, pushing the duvet off of him*

"SWEET MOTHER OF JESUS! Viewers, this is worse than we thought."