Something I Made To Tick Off Wiki How

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Lol, ummm it got deleted but i saved the code to my blog!!! --RFK


"Excuse me! Yes you, reading the article! Come here!". Yes, I said that. Now that you are hear I can continue. Have you ever wanted to get an article you spent time on to write deleted by WikiHow? Well, I can teach you from my own experiance!!!!!!!


  • encurrict lengooage
  • joke subjects
  • things that make no sense
  • a sympathetic note stating your sadness if your article is and will be destroyed
  • a shout out to for their comments on wikiHow


  1. Go to the page with the things telling about what gets deleted!
  2. Pick one of the subjects that gets deleted
  3. Whatever you picked will be the basis for your article
  4. Go to "create article"
  5. Name your article
  6. make it
  7. Wait for the deletion notice
  8. become sad


  • mak soore tu uze lotz uf en currict spalling!!!
  • mention how sad it makes you feel when your work gets deleted. this will make wikiHowians feel sympathy
  • prepare for a block!!!


  • you will get blocked possibly
  • i will get blocked for writing this article
  • this article is bound for deletion
  • your article will get deleted