Sometimes, there is no point

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Testes here. A while back some girl added me on msn, religiously talking to me every time that she could, greeting me with "hi", and a hearty "hows u?". But thereon afer proceeds to then give close ended answers until i can run no more conversational yarn, before turning up for more the next day. Things kinda came to a head:

Anna says:
|>\/|\|<^|\| says:
Hey Anna, having a good day?
Anna says:
yh u?
|>\/|\|<^|\| says:
fairly, have got (swine/man) flu
Anna says:
dats not gd
|>\/|\|<^|\| says:
indeed it is not, hopefully it doesnt get ni the way of exams or something
Anna says:
better hope so
|>\/|\|<^|\| says:
how do you think you'll do in the exams?
Anna says:
goodness knows
|>\/|\|<^|\| says:
what you up to?
Anna says:
Anna says:
|>\/|\|<^|\| says:
trying to figure out why you keep talking to me if you're not really going to say anything

<long silence: I predict to Seppy that she'll respond with "lol">

lo and behold:

Anna says:

I have a sneaking suspicion she blocked me.