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Soobstore: A store for you. Are you a soobstore? No? Well be one.

Be sure you are listening because all of this applies to you.

First you must write down every goldfish's name you have ever had. The next thing you must do is to paint your brother orange. (Don't have a brother? do it to your sister, parents, nieghbor, pet, and if you have none of these... do it to your foot.) The next requirement is to tear off your toenails. After that you glue your toenails to the back of your head. The last step is to jump off a building, go to Fonchopedia and sleep for 20 days in a rabbit's stomach.

The execution's pros and cons

It is tough to become a Soob. You must go through near death situations and stuff. Many Soob Noobs die while trying to write the list of the goldfish. But it CAN be done. The good thing is that being a Soob has no purpose! You can go into the soobstores and DO NOTHING!

If you were alive I'd kill you.

it's true.

This Soob entered the soobstore because he was organized, he had a list!