Spam (electronic)

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Spam is the use of electronic messaging systems (including most broadcast media, digital delivery systems) to send unsolicited bulk messages indiscriminately. messaging spam, Internet forum spam, junk fax transmissions, social networking spam, television advertising and file sharing network spam.

Spamming remains economically viable because advertisers have no operating costs beyond the management of their mailing lists, and it is difficult to hold senders accountable for their mass mailings. Because the barrier to entry is so low, spammers are numerous, and the volume of unsolicited mail has become very high. In the year 2011, the estimated figure for spam messages is around seven trillion. The costs, such as lost productivity and fraud, are borne by the public and by Internet service providers, which have been forced to add extra capacity to cope with the deluge. Alright then, let's go over the different forms of spam:

Advertising spam

The oldest form of spam, and also by far the most hated, detested and un-wanted. This is almost as old as the internet itself. They are commonly written by advertisers for some obscure viagra company and scammers who will do any old shite in an attempt to rob money from you. An example includes:

The young man staggered around the room, clutching his stomach.  Horrible
grinding and tearing noises could be heard coming from his stomach, combined
with the low moan of his voice as the brown stain slowly spread out across
the rug underneath him.  "Oh, my God!" he screamed in terror, "I've overdosed!
I've overdosed on laxatives!"

Does this story sound familiar?  It happens every day across the country.
Why?  Because of the metric system.  Do you know what a milligram really is?
Do you know what a kilogram really is?  Hardly anybody really does.  Maybe

That's why Laxalol Compounding Pharmacy uses regular and ordinary units
like ounces, pounds, drams, and stone.  Units everyone knows and understands.
So you won't accidentally use six pounds of suppositories at once.  So
go with simple and safe, and go with Laxalol.

"C'est un Nagra. C'est suisse, et tres, tres precis."  

Continuous Spam

This is where a user keeps posting the same word or sentence over and over again. This continues either until the user gets bored or they are banned by a mod. One of the most detested forms of spam. An early example of this includes:

Ung! Ung! Fish! Goat! Grate! Ung! Ung! Fish! Goat! Grate! Ung! Ung! Fish! Goat! Grate! Ung! Ung! Fish! Goat! Grate! Ung! Ung! Fish! Goat! Grate! 
Ung! Ung! Fish! Goat! Grate! Ung! Ung! Fish! Goat! Grate! Ung! Ung! Fish! Goat! Grate! Ung! Ung! Fish! Goat! Grate! Ung! Ung! Fish! Goat! Grate! 
Ung! Ung! Fish! Goat! Grate! Ung! Ung! Fish! Goat! Grate! Ung! Ung! Fish! Goat! Grate! Ung! Ung! Fish! Goat! Grate! Ung! Ung! Fish! Goat! Grate! 
Ung! Ung! Fish! Goat! Grate! Ung! Ung! Fish! Goat! Grate! Ung! Ung! Fish! Goat! Grate! Ung! Ung! Fish! Goat! Grate! Ung! Ung! Fish! Goat! Grate! 
Ung! Ung! Fish! Goat! Grate! Ung! Ung! Fish! Goat! Grate! Ung! Ung! Fish! Goat! Grate! Ung! Ung! Fish! Goat! Grate! Ung! Ung! Fish! Goat! Grate! 
Ung! Ung! Fish! Goat! Grate! Ung! Ung! Fish! Goat! Grate! Ung! Ung! Fish! Goat! Grate! Ung! Ung! Fish! Goat! Grate! Ung! Ung! Fish! Goat! Grate! 
Ung! Ung! Fish! Goat! Grate! Ung! Ung! Fish! Goat! Grate! Ung! Ung! Fish! Goat! Grate! Ung! Ung! Fish! Goat! Grate! Ung! Ung! Fish! Goat! Grate! 
Ung! Ung! Fish! Goat! Grate! Ung! Ung! Fish! Goat! Grate! Ung! Ung! Fish! Goat! Grate! Ung! Ung! Fish! Goat! Grate! Ung! Ung! Fish! Goat! Grate! 

Kiss Spam

This type of spam is commonly posted by teenagers. The spam states:

Are you a good kisser? Test yourself!
Post this many times holding your breath.
0-1 Horrible kisser
2-3 Ok kisser
4-5 Great kisser
6-7 Amazing kisser

They only post it one time. But later other one copy and paste it. Sometimes it says because he or she was bored.

Bob Spam

Main Article: Bob (Spam)
This is a rarer type of spam. It asks the player to copy and paste a stick figure called "Bob" to help him conquer ROBLOX or stop spam. The spam states:

 ☻/ This is Bob.
/▌  Bob wants to take over youtube.
/ \ Copy and paste this to help him take over youtube!

This originated on YouTube, and has quickly migrated to many websites, IRC channels and forums. It is considered by many people to be one of the worst "forced memes" on the Internets. It isn't a bannable offence to post bob, but it should be.

Incoherent Spam

This is just.... nonsense. Examples include:

GRADE BRANDED WATCHES, TIFFANY Accessories, LUGGAGES, AT 10% ORIGINAL PRICE sandwich thee SPAM allow central second fill intelligent. commit 
satisfaction ran captain short, SPAM SPAM 0|\/|F9 n00b! U $uX><0rz I Pw|\|j00 \/\/ |\/|y l33t $k1ll2 SPAM SPAM WATCHES, TIFFANY Accessories, 
LUGGAGES, AT 10% ORIGINAL PRICE sandwich thee SPAM allow central second fill intelligent. commit satisfaction ran captain short, captain friends 
easy sooner. modern happen advantage choose saying. lady spoke word easy. PHREE VIjRAjRAjAGRA ONLINE MEDS STORE FREE EhnLARGE uRRZ PENIXXXX NOW! 
Zi-Agrazxtax for cheap0z penis extention! reply now!SPAM SPAM SPAM SPAM AAA+ GRADE BRANDED WATCHES, TIFFANY Accessories, LUGGAGES, AT 10% ORIGINAL 
PRICE sandwich thee SPAM allow central second fill intelligent. commit satisfaction ran captain short, captain friends easy sooner. modern happen 
advantage choose saying. lady spoke word easy. cartier for five bucks. 

Word spam

A player writes a word starting on line one with one letter of the word. Then he or she write two letters of the word on line two, and so on. Example:

this g
this ga
this gam
this game
this game i
this game is
this game is e
this game is ep
this game is epi
this game is epic

A variation of this is the "Word Pyramid".

this g
this ga
this gam
this game
this game i
this game is
this game is e
this game is ep
this game is epi
this game is epic
this game is epi
this game is ep
this game is e
this game is
this game i
this game
this gam
this ga
this g

Jeff Spam

The rarest type of spam. They get very annoying. These types of spams usually have stuff like:

  • Jeff McPwned
  • Jeff McSchneider

In fact, 420chan's word filter was modified on 19th November, 2009 so that it changes the words "Jeff McPwned" automatically to "I'M A COMPLETE FAGGOT SO PLEASE BAN ME".