Spongeballs lost episode

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The Spongeballs lost episode is the name of a tape found by a group of 5 people in a trash can within an abandoned mental institution. Of these 5 people, Wario and Waluigi commited suicide, Luigi has gone missing, Mario refused to comment on the tape, and Bowser hastily agreed to give paranormal investigators the tape shortly after being interviewed about the suicide of Wario and Waluigi and disappearance of Luigi. The current whereabouts of the tape are unknown, and many who stare at static or test bars for a long enough period of time claim to see a skeleton pop out...


The a spongebob is eating a creepypasta and then a skeleton popped out, but then there was all this blood and he was bitten by all the vampires ever. He then goes to candle cove and fights Sick Stickly for the hook. He then watches suicidemouse.avi and the grifter video and then witnesses squidward's suicide. Then he finds hommer simpson has a Dead Bort and he dies after seeing Bloody GIR and then he saw smile dog. Then he see red mist and in that red mist he sees squidward shove and then he shoved the gun he was holding up his ass and shit flew all over the place. And then the episode ends.

Real footage of the lost episode