Spontaneous Implosion

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Spontaneous Implosion occurs when the one of the following circumstances is achieved[1]:

  1. When a number is successfully divided by zero.
  2. When you make something implode spontaneously.

History was made when Sir Kit and Sir Valence met upon Sir Comefrence, upon which they exclaimed

Thou hast turned into a sphericide with a mass of zero

Upon this revelation, the year upon which they exclaimed this statement upon turned into a item of zero mass, volume, and density, which explains where the year 1673.28 went[2]. This was the first noted, recorded, and/or fishwiped account of spontaneous implosion, wherein the three lonely knights and their noble ass saw it occur without a cause.

Later, Sir Valence, the only survivor of the three knights after the Third Re-stabilization of the Gorge of 1677[3], later claimed

Thou shalt find thine body upon that of the invisible swine

Though this comment proved irrelevant, he too later spontaneously combusted.


  1. By achieved we mean "cooked in a microwave"
  2. There is no proof this year existed other than eye witness account, implying it was lost forever via implosion
  3. An event better left out of the record books