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There was an old pier that was once a busy tourist attraction. It provided people the authentic seashore experience of eating french fries. There was a sign that told them where to go to the bathroom, and then their poop went in to the ocean.

All the tourist attractions were long since abandoned and the pier now sits on the seashore and is silent. A sign still says where the bathrooms are but the birds go to the bathroom everywhere, and there aren't any french fries.

Under the pier is a forest of wooden pillars and some murky sand, and two people went there. They were artists, which means they put things on paper.

"Let's sit in this mud and make art." said the woman.

The man sat and said, "I want to make a portrait of all the emotions I've had in my life and all the experiences I've ever had and all the people I've ever interacted with."

He started with blue and yellow paint. He wanted to make a big, elaborate design, but he ended up smearing the paint around at random. Then he scooped a handful of the mud and squelched it on the painting. As a final touch, he tore a few hairs from his own beard out and placed them, too, on the canvas.

"I bet someone will want to pick that up at the artshow next week" said the woman, who was crouching to urinate on her own canvas.

"Think so?" he said, turning it sideways. "I want people to look at it this way."

They observed the portrait.

"I like doing this" said a person. "I want to make powerful statements but this way I can just mix together whatever random, absurd things I've come across lately and as long as I put emotion behind it, I feel like I've actually accomplished something meaningful. Even if all I have is some sand and hair."

"Let's nail the pictures to the pier," Said the woman.

"I call this one, Everything Slowly Goes Back Where it Came From," Said the man.
