Story behind fortune cookies

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File:Evil fortune cookie.jpg
LOOK will die!

Many of you know of the fortune cookies; they come with chinese food meals from happy gardens. Maybe you're wondering; just what is up with those fortune cookies? Well, turns out the fortune cookies aren't for your personal entertainment, that's just what the Chinese government wants you to think! They actually plant tiny little chips in your brain that send you subliminal messages to spread the word of communism.

How To Check For Microchips In Fortune Cookies

First you have to ask your grandpa if he has a pair of scissors. Next you throw the scissors out the window, keeping in mind to try your best to impale someone. Then you blame the scissor "incident" on your 2 year old brother. Then once your brother is in a mental institution you steal all his baby stuff. Impale someone with them. Blame it on your brother. But everyone knows it was you because your brother is in the institution. Then you will be sent to the institution as well. When you get out 10 months later, throw away the fortune cookie. Congratulations; you are now free from all Frankenstein Controls! Honest.