Super Smash Bros. Melee cheats/1

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Unlock Paper Mario

to unlock paper mario have the thousand year door on your memory card then play a total of 100 vs.matches with mario against yoshi against luigi against bowser.then you get mario on adventure and get the paper mario trophee when in adventure (or all star) if you get it as mario and pick it up it will go big and then you will, fight paper mario in that place where you got it

How to unlock Toad

When you finish All star, Adventure, or Classic at the end you will have to shoot all the names that appear on the screen. After that you have to battle Toad and win him.

to get metal castle from n64

First you have to get every charecter and finish all star,Classic mode and Adventure mode and unlock every stage but you dont need every trophy.After that be a player in versus and vs every charecter and then you have to do cruel melee and kill more than twenty and it will say "you brave one you have unlocked metal castle from n64"."you are the strongest of all".

unlokable ultamit

to unlock gannon from ocarina of time beat very hard all star mode with gannondorf using 5 continues only and then you will face him if you beat him then it will say "big strong and here to serve you with his giant blades it's gannon" the best part is he can only be hurt in the tail or the head

Charecter Unlock (kinf of):Starman

To unlock starman use starman item 50 times in a single vs. match then u will get a mesege it will say congratulations you've unlocked all playable charecters get to fi-wait a second aaaaaa then another mesage will come up again it will say starman here congratulattions youve lost all your playable charecters hahahahahahaha! now you will not be able to play but wait go to event 51 it will be called all star mach of doom it will show the charechter you play as it's starman it's an easy event though you vs. all 25 charechters as starman he is realy good and when you beat the event and then from there on in you get all charecters back and event 52:event match of doom where you can always play as starman.

oh yeah also starmans moves:b-use,b-down-charge invincability,b smash-charge heal,b up-float up in the air and move werever you want for 10 seconds.and use means use what you have charged heal charge he glows with pinkish-red and use will revive 50% health invincability charge you will glow gold and when used 10 starmen will jump out of u one by one giving u star man invincability each time it nears the end another starman jumps up and lands as soon as it ends basicly starman invinciblility x10 is a move!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

how to get giga bowser as a plyable charactor

first go on adventure set your lives to 3 set rank to normal or higher then choose any character beat advanture at the end giga bowser wil apear to battle you then you beat him and you get him.

Unlock Krystal

This is how to unlock Krystal. She's like Fox's girlfreind. To unlock her complete adventure, classic and all-star mode on very hard with one life with Fox and Falco. In classic you have to beat Giga Bowser in under 1 minute, and in all-star you cannot use any health items, including the heart containers at the start. Then you'll fight her and after you beat her the game will say, "She's yours to control, here's Krystal!" It's sort of a pun, because Krystal is kind of a mage that can control all forms of crystals and gems. You probably don't know this because she doesn't use this power (Or magic, or psionic, or....) in any of the games or comics. Her powers are; B) Krystal Assualt Rifle: a rapid fire machine gun that fires crystals, B+Left/Right) Krystal Blade: creates a crystal blade as big as her while she charges forward at an insane speed, B+Up) Krystal Komet: Krystal encases herself in a crystal orb and shoots herself in the direction that you point the control stick, B+Down) Krystal Sheild: Krystal encases herself in a crystal orb that deflects things. Every time something is deflected, the sheild cracks a little until it breaks and Krystal is stunned. So basicly she's Fox, except when she uses Krystal Blade or Krystal Komet, she leavs a trail that can be used for a makeshift platform that disapates in a few seconds.

To unlock Wario

Go to adventure and beat it at very hard with mario(yellow color) then at the end Wario will face you and defeat him then hes playable

master chif

all u need to do is play as link younglink and zelda and gandorf let it sit for 2 hours and then let link win after the fight he will want to fight!!!!!!!!!!

my favorite 3 cheats parst 1 2 and 3

part 1:if u want to unlock baloon fighter it will be easy play a match at icicle mountin with the music track balloon fight (see below)for 10 minutes,hold L&R at same time well stage is loading to change music track,play as the ice climbers agianst ice climbers with item drop hi using only freezies after the match baloon fighter will chalenge you

PART 2: to unlock the stage luigie's mansion simply get 10 vacuem luigi trophies then do luigi vs. mario and u will hav it

part 3: to unlock the item nuclear rain showere from tanks just play a match with samus and link with high item drop rate with bob-ombs and motien senser bombs using only ther b-down moves then you will unlock it it is a little comuter animated tank that u throw in the air and it points up fires somthing and vanishes at the last 20 seconds of the matck it rains little silver things that hit the ground an blow any enemy up in the air with the range of one of thosre explosiv things at peaches castle

Unlock Chayo

beat classic mode with fernando. you must have use no items. you can only use fabiola's boogers. also, you can beat the 100-man-melee with fabian. they both work. she will challenge you after. beat her and she is all yours.


sonic the hedgehog-beat classic,adventure and all-star on very hard with 1 life and no continues with c.falcon, then have a vs match as c.falcon and against a kirby on level 9 and have a jigglypuff too. have kirby suck blue krby and he will look like sonic and have c.falcon defeat him and the screen will turn black and the challenger approach will come up and beat sonic and hes yours.


to unlock saria play a ten minute match with link and young link vs gannondorf and zelda then go to sound test and play sarias song, leave it for 5 minutes and then go to the main screen (tat says super smash bros. melee) and put in yyxxyyyxxxyxstart. when you press start it will take you to the main screen and then go to the trophie lottery and put in 10 coins saria will come time you beat adventure mode it will say you've unlocked saria.

Unlockables #1 players

you will find 10 charecters&stages that you can unlock and thier moves. You can play as these charecters by saving after you unlock them. They will each take up 1 block in your memory card. You can play as them by hitting a new icon at the top of the screen in charecter select. It will say load.

1.Peppy & Slippy:do easy mediem and HARD on 1p mode adventure&allstar with fox&falco.moves:same as fox&falco exept b smash is double pistols(you fight them as a team if your fox you get falco if your falco you get fox on your team)

2:Sonic:beat 15 minite melee,100 man melee twice and,10 man melee 5 times.moves:b)spin dash.b smash)run.b up)third jump.b down)smash kick

3:Classic Mario:beat classic mode with all mario charecters on mediem.moves:b down)fire mode-normal mode switch.b)normal:mushroom fire:fire ball.b smash)smash oponent with pirana plant.b u)super jump punch

4:Paper Mario:beat all events 2 times then pres on the middle of the d-pad two times as in 2d.moves:b)hammer.b smash)kooper.b up)parakary.b down)bombette.a) goombario stops the game and gives you infermation on a selected oponent he tells you their strenths and their weaknesses.but be carful becuase if your against another player they can find out their strenths against paper mario.

unlock TABUU/TABOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

beat adventure with koopa/perin/sonic on impossible of higher(to get impossible beat event 50 under 52.99 seconds then it will say boss's aprocing then do all-star FFIIX bosses beta then it will after you beat the last one taboo will say prepare to die! o yeah taboos profile is LVL:??? (LVL:GH789) STRENGTH:??? (STRENGTH:M426MRVY) HP:OVER 9000 (HP:FSCK YOU NARUTO) hes tough if you fail you have to do ALL THAT STUFF ALL OVER AGAIN when you beat him you will unlock event 52:enter tabuu and a message you unlock god himself!

Unlocking Mew

Finding mew is very easy,fist you go to melee. you have to be mewtwo and red fighting bowser (normal colar)go to peache`s casle,after a minute mew will fight you! She`s my favorite because,mew can transform into random pokemon!

get sonic a easy way

to unlock sonic u must do crule melee with kirby ko 2 guys only 2.then beat advencer with fox any difficolty. then beat him heeeeeeeeeeeeeees yooouurs

how to get tails

to get tails u have to play as roy in classic and when u see the shooting part press RXRY and u will challenge sonic and he will say sonic team come out! u will be battling sonic but u will get tails NOTE: sonic can turn in to hyper sonic so becarefule

Unlock Super Giga Terra Bowser

here is how first fight giga bowser in adventure mode as bowser then do a vs match bowser vs zelda u must be the green bowser (oringinal suit) and when the match starts press abxy at the same time then jump 7 times then bowser will go all weird he will get all green execpt for his hair turn flat and he has a weird raor.

How to get sonic the right WAY!!!

go to melee figth mario bros 10times with link

beat then up and you will fight sonic.

it's easy as pin =).

it's hard to fight sonic

unlock crazy hand

well what you have to do is unlock all 25 characters then beat all event matches then get all trophies then beat all the targets then after you do that it will teleport you to final destination and crazy hand will come face you beat him hes yours. BUT YOU CAN ONLY PLAY AS HIM ON CLASSIC MODE ON HARD.

get obi-wan

okay here's what to do. beat a melee 10 times against mario using only the light saber! he' hard dude. he's stronger than luke and vader together.

super mario cheat

this cheat lets you unlock:luigi,dr.mario,and all mario stages.beat adventure,classic,and allstar with every colur mario on normal 3 lives and no continues.then kill 5 or more guys on cruel melee with every colur mario.make sure you be every colur mario in battle a lv.9 bowser at every starting mario stages.luigi will fight you, and then dr.mario.beat them and they are yours(also all the mario unlockable stages)!

how to unlock giant kitty

first go to mellee get link little link and mario ( be mario ) put link in lvl 1 and little in lvl 9 throw him around the place ( any stage ) do this intill over 130 damage then kick them and they should go flying NOTE!!!! DO NOT NOT try and hit the kitty i tried and he picks u up and throws u he kicks but he owns pwns or what ever you rwant to call it


to unlock peppy you must beat all star mode with slippy on normal with 3 lives. beat him then hes yours


THIS IS SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO SIMPLE!All u have to do is u have to do adventure 20 times on very hard.

unlock THE HAND!

to unlock him you have to beat classic mode on hard with 3 lives with all 25 characters then beat all star mode with all 25 characters on hard 3 lives then do the same with adventure mode. then you must go to v.s mode and pick final destination and he will come up and beat him hes your but you can only play as him in controller slot 3 and for crazy hand slot 4 and you can only play classic on hard with 3 lives.

Unlock Luigi's Mansion as a stage!!!

Get over 50,000 feet in Home Run Contest to get Luigi's Mansion as a stage!!!

unlock daisy

beat cruel melee with peach getting 100 ko's.which is very hard to do then get 5000 feet in homerun contest with peach then daisy will challenge you beat her and she is yours.NOTE:daisy is the same thing as peach accept daisy is way cooler and stronger but i would not do it. its not worth it.

how to unlock navi

to unlock navi the fairy, play as young link on all-star mode on normal difficulty and beat it. then play a zelda game for 3 hours then play SSBM and use link on classic mode(normal difficulty)and navi will challenge you. navi is extremely easy to beat. beat the little fairy and she's yours! (the message says:"navi is here to be #1!)


well any way to get him you have to either beat event match 51 with pichu with in 30 seconds or beat cruel melee getting 100 in 30 seconds with pichu. do either and he will challenge you.NOTE:he is right next to pichu in the character selection screen and also try to beat this pokemon on level 9 its freaking hard

How to unlock Everyone in the game at once

Frist go to the screen thats SAYS SUPER SMASH BROS MELEE and type AAABBBXYZRLXBA

Unlock Itchy Left Boob

ok this is the truth no word of a lie... during classic mode, race to the finish u notice that pipe u drop out of??? ok well now jump up there and bounce off the walls (Like in Young Links target test) if u make it up to the top u enter a door that says "WINNER" just walk up to it and it will take u to the new stage... "INSIDE THE WOMENS BODY" it will then show the New Character Approching Screen... once this loads you will see to melon like figures... the one on the left looks a little red... beat this new dude and it will say:


Unlock the mushroom kingdom stage from the original ssb

To get Past Stage:Mushroom Kingdom,get all stages and Toad.Simply play A vs match with Mario,Peach,and toad vs bowser.Choose the mushroom kingdom I stage.(not the mario 2 stage!)Let Mario and Peach die.(this works better when you make Mario and peach human players and turn friendly fire on.)When Mario and Peach are dead and you beat bowser as Toad,You will play as Tiny bowser vs team toad at the stage.Win to unlock it.

unlock king rool

to unlock king rool go to all star mode and select donkey kong and then in very hard 2 lives (no damage) and king rool fight you and you beat a king rool its yours

have pac-man as a character

first beat the hundred man melee with kirby.then

beat classic mode on normal with jigglypuff.last

do lightning melee kirby VS jigglypuff and u be kirby.

get shadow lugia

Play as lugia on classic and adventure mode on very hard with two lives 5times for each mode.after u do that shadow lugia will be urs.

unlock redead

play as zelda on adventure mode on very hard with three lifes.once u get to the underground maze kill all the redead then leave the area.

after u leave the redead will battle u beat him and he is yours.he kicks Bad BUT!!!!!

unlock wolf

to get wolf go to clasic mode and play 10 timesfor 1 life(no damage) and go to cruel melee and kills 50

unluck shakira

go to alstar in very hard and pass without continues with all the characters,that includes all the secret ones. Then go to normal melee and click aazrlxybabba.


to unlock 50cent you will need to go to the pokemon stadium and shot jigglypuff 9 times and make sure it dies and the 50cent will apperedbut you can only kii him by shoting him then he all yours!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

how to unlock a face

beat it on incredibly hard rememeber you have to do this in 10 min so dont waist time and get rdy to see the end game hands face

unlock boo

to unlock boo from the mario games,go to classic mode and be roy with one life and do it on VERY HARD MODE!(i know,it's hard!) when you beat master hand, boo will appear. he's not that hard either, but beat him and he'll challenge you after classic mode is finished. IT'S TRUE!==

Unlock Retro Mario

Complete the game with all characters on all difficulties. The last win must be with mario and he must be little(with a tiny mushroom) and when you fight the final boss(bowser, giga bowser, master hand, crazy hand)you must get 999 damage. Kill the boss and you will fight mario as he was in super mario bros 3. Kill him and win him.


First, you beat classic mode 12 times using Derek Jeter(unlockable character), on Mega Hard(unlockable level) NO CONTINUES. Then, play All-Star mode with Derek Jeter, on very hard. Then, play as Ness and defeat Derek Jeter in VS. mode, only using the homerun bat. Then, hit a homer 18,000 feet with Ness and 2,000 feet with Drek Jeter.

play as shadow mario classic, adventure, and all-star on very hard as mario with one life.(no continues)

2.beat event 51 as mario in 4:38 or less.

3.break all targets in 23 seconds or less as mario.

4.hit the sandbag to 99999 as mario

Unlock Flippy From Happy Tree Friends

Beat Classic, Adventure,And All Star Mode With Every Charzcter On Very Hard

get mr. O wOrm

to get this guy,beat every singlplayer mode with dr.mario.second,kill ness on vs.mode on super sudden death with 99 lives.on his last life,make sure you kill him when he is at above 400% and below 500%.

unlock chuck jones and robert prince

to get chuck jones, throw your action figure of bugsbunny across the room.NOT REALLY!this is chuck jones:do 10 vs. mode,break all targets with pichu.then beat adventure mode on easy with link(set lives to 2).he will be a foe at the end.beat `em,and he`s yours!to get robert prince,beat classic on hard with 1 life with pinky.

unlock 5 stupid pc characters!

to unlock pajama sam:beat classic with one of the butthole unlock put-put:K.O. 3 lv. 1 of any characters at once.then beat classic on very easy with 5 lives with unlock spyfox: beat 3 lv.9 bowsers with unlock pep:kill 20 wirepeople with put-put(on any mode).to unlock fredy fish:hit 99 lives on super sudden death and a lv. 9 c.falcon.kill yourself and don`t let bowser kill you once(or twice,or thrice,ect).

pooh and tigger

to get pooh, just make sure you kill exactly 1 wireperson on cruel melee, then he will fight you(you must do this with sonic).to get tigger, kill 10 or more ideots on cruel melee with pooh,then tigger will fight you.if you dont kill him by making him fall, he`s not your`s.

unlock cyberdemon from doom 3

Beat allstar with falco on very can only use his gun.

Unlock Brutal

To unlock brutal, beat all star very hard without using a continue, heart container, and taking damage. Then you unlock brutal. Beat classic on brutal with anyone to get endurance, where the battles never end!

Unlock Koops

To unlock Koops, Paper Mario's partner in thousand year door, beat the game, get the mic from Mario Party 6, and unlock Paper Mario. Beat adventure on brutal with paper mario and shoot 10 credits only. When "CONGRADULATIONS" pops up, say "koops" 4 times and fight him. NOTE! You'll have to fight him a bunch of times before you get him for some reason.

unlock sonic&tails

go 2 cruel melee & beat 2000 wire frames with ice climers using only the boy and A attacks Sonic and tails will appear from under the battle field and u will fight them (they are easy) b counter b towards rollout b down deflecter b up grab tails and fly (theycannotchangecolors) they kick @$$!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

sponge bob

all you got to do is 10 man melee within 9 seconds with kirby get 3 kills on cruel man melee with dr mario beat 100 man mellee with fox get 1000 kills in endless man mellee go to mellee mod you and your friend have to verse 2 level 9 the level nines have to be mewto mr game and watch[ you can be who ever]spongebop has this awesome move when exploding bubbles come out of his holes.

digital dog

go to all star mod in very hard us no hearts with pikachu bet classic on hard with mr game and watch and at the credits press aaabbbxyzrlxba then the DIGITAL DOG WILL APPEAR AND FIGHT YO HE IS PRETTY HARD WATCH OUT FOR THE MOVE WHEN HE BITES YOUR HEAD

thomas the tank engine

what you do to unlock thomas the tank engine[ hes soooooooooo good] im not damn kidding its true all you gotta do is go to melee beat pikachu on lvl 5 5 times then you be pikachu and get 5 kos in cruel melee beat 500 people in 15 minute melee go to lightning melee and beat up pikachu with the same person u did last time and then thomas the tank engine will verse you and hes yours watch out hes hard he has a move were train tracks come out of nowhere and he rides rite over you its a 1 hit ko he can only do it once good luck:p


Get sonic by beating 20 people in cruel mode

Unlock NES Mario

to unlock him do mario vs mr game and watch and do hyrule temple and get the mic from super mario party 6 and say FLAT 16 times into it if you did it corectly Nes Mario will challange u beat him and hes urs

how to get toadette

first of all, toadette is such a cool character! her third jump is two lines at her sides and then she soars up! get toad and beat classic mode on normal with 1 life,no continues! then toadette appears. toadette is a tad slower.

unlock sandbag

to unlock him you have to beat homerun contest getting 1,000 with all 25 characters. then he challenges beat him and he kicks @$$

unlock gai sensi

first unlock rock lee by getting 100 k.o. and get mario in cruel melee and get 200 k.o.s .

dragon stadium stage

so all you gotta do is beat all star mode on very hard with marth. then you have to do adventure mode with roy on any difficulty. when it comes to the credits, you MUST SHOOT AT LEAST 55 CREDITS then at the end it will say congradulations and it will say you unlocked it. have fun!!!

suitless samus

to get her u must go on training mode or 2 players

& go to kriads stage/brinstar depts & press r,l,a,a,a,y,x,z,x,y,y,a,b,b,b

unlock geno

to unlock geno you have to beat classick with all 25 characters including raichu on hard with 3 lives then geno with challenge you beat him and hes your. he is right next to roy in the character selection screen. =NOTE:he kicks major a$$

Get Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles

Beat Classic+Adventure Mode with the Ice Climbers on the hardest difficulty with one life. You'll battle all four ninja turtles, and if you beat them you'll unlock them. They play just like the Ice Climbers.

unlock jake long: the american dragon

beat classic adventure all star and event 51 with zelda very hard and when you do that he is yours to keep

Unlock Things

do with all character 100 vs fights (inclusive mister game & watch) then, you must start again whith young link then you must survive a new course name aqau dungeon fight the boss fish

(after the results) you see : a water trap!!!!

you got only peach until you do this again only this is in a underground dungeon of bowser!

win from all lava bots then there stands:you survived ALL characters!

after that you get the following things:

robot laser lava turetts

the gaint fish

w3alking sword



bowsers kingdom

zero 1-9-3 (destroy car minigame lvl)

underwater dungeon

dirtbike danger (muddy level whit many explosions of moters)

the inside of the castle of peach

route national (car jumping on high mountains!

ober! (the inside of the ober)


hit the cars with gaint axes

How to unlock Naked Stripper!

Ok so I was playing this morning and I noticed something really weird. Ok four people need to be peach, so you need 4 players. At the EXACT SAME TIME, get an umbrella and jump off of the bottom left cliff of hyrule castle. taunt, making a dirty gesture that seems a little whorish, at the same time, and The stripper is yours. She has a whip, kind of like ivy, but has purple heart that is extremely long. Shes like a playboy model!!!!!!!

unlock george bush and the white house

first,u get 12222feet with peach.then beat mario's target 2times.then battle george bush beat him.then george bush and the white house will be your's.white house is a stage.

Unlock Mike Jones

Complete Adventure Mode five times in a row with getting the Link Triangle on the first try each time, and on the fifth time it asks what your names is. If you respond with Mike Jones, it will reply back with Who? If you say Mike Jones again, you will unlock him for play.

Unlock King Kandy

To get this kirby boss,Beat 100 man melee as kirby.(Remember to do these in order!)Then beat Toad's target test.After that do event 51 as kirby.Bam Ka Ching!You have unlocked King Kandy!

Unlock Jared Hanna

Ok, think up a stupid comeback like " What did you do look in a mirrior" Then use Fat Albert's taunt[Hayhayhay it's faaaaat ALBERT!!!] on master hand and he dies. Then Jared challenges you. {watch out for his attack YO MAMMA attack.] beat him and he's yours^_^]

How to get Luke Skywalker

It's TRUE!I DID IT A BILLION TIMES!!!!!!!!!! To get Luke, you must go to adventure mode, select any character you want, do very hard mode,then set lives to two.(you can't lose a life!)Finally, after you fight Bowser, you dont have to shoot any credits,(also, if you shoot 70 or higher credits, you'll fight the blue & orange M&Ms right after you win/lose against Luke)then you'll finally get to fight Luke Skywalker. But BE CAREFUL!!!! HIS LIGHTSABER CAN GROW OR SHRINK IN SIZE!

unlock poop

Poop out poop and eat it. When you poop out poop poop in ya gamecube and eat the poop again and poop on ya moms face and eat that poop and ya dads vomit and poop on ya gamecube and you get poop! Really! Ya gamecube is all covered with it!

Unlock Mickey Mouse And Other Disney Characters


get pichu back if ya get raichu.

just do the same thing o unlock pichu that you did to unlock pichu before. but first be raichu, then do event 37 and win then pichu will challenge you. then pichu will take back his place.

Play as Sonic or Tails

Sonic teams two stars make cameos as warriors. heres how you get e'm: achieve a high score of 20 ko's with anyone character in cruel melee. then sonic and tails will then both challenge you beat'em and get them. Finish classic mode with either for special suprise.

jhon cena

gues what you can unlock jhon cena wwe champ just by pressing RLAB

Unlock Bloody Balls

hey guys another awesome cheat for ya right here!!! U have to be Zelda for this cheat:

ok sooo if u have ever noticed, on the Hyrule Temple stage there is a door, here are the steps to get to the door, ok if u go to the left of the stage, there is that little platform(u have to fase through the floor). ok so when u see that door here is what u have to do. Charge your side b attack, hit this door 3 times. now beat the melee. once u have done this the regular winners screen will come up except Zeldas little box of info will be highlited in a goopy red substance, press start.

now it will come to a Choose your character screen, chose samus... ok now u have to beat this guy named BLOODY BALLS... when u r half way through the fight pause it and press z... now captin falcon will join u... beat the BLOODY BALLS guy and there will be a congratulations screen, it will say


now bloody balls is yours!!

to get the urinal stage, beat classic mode with bloody balls and u have it!!!

good luck!!


Beat 18 wireframes with Naruto, Sakura, Saskue, Neji, Hinata, and Gai. After that Haku vill verse you Haku kicks major @$$!

how to get baby- dr.mario

first beat classic mode on hard with bowser, then go to adventure and beat it with mario, then luigi, then peach , then have a vs. mode game mario, and luigi, vs bowser and peach

Make Wario Fart

This Is SOOOOOOOOOOOO simple All You have to do is that you have to be Wario and cruel melee kill 100 people.Then do Adventure very hard.the farts make people faint

unlock prple and orange colored m&m

Beet clasic mode on very hard with 1 life with red and yellow M&M

Unlock Diddy

First play 10 matches as DK. Then beat Adventure mode as DK. Last play 1 match as DK. Diddy will chall3enge you afterwards. Even though he`s the weakest Ulockable character he can still kick butt.


Beat adventure as Bush on Very Hard with 5 lives, but you can't lose one. When the credits pop out, shoot exactly 111 and then save and turn your Gamecube off. After you restart it, you'll get a challenge from Lincoln who kicks major a$$

Unlock spider man

to unlock spidey do 1,000 red v.s. blue matches in v.s. mode spidey wll challenge you he slings web for his third jump and b attack

how to unlock elmo

first you have to sing the elmo theme song ten times. then take all your elmo toys and rip off the heads. then take you elmo head and burie it in th back yard with your game cube. the next day you shuld have elmo

brinstar,tony hawk

get the mic from mario party6 and sa blow up 2 times if you say it right the screan will blow up and you will be link with young link aginst to tony hawks. beat them and your game will say mamory card rebote turn the game of and then on and you should have tony hawk in classic (only classic)

Unlock Giga Bowser

Beat Classic, Adventure, and Allstar Mode with Bowser on Very Hard with 2 or less lives. Do all possible challenges. Then go to Home Run Contest, and hit the sandbag to at least 1500 feet with the homerun bat. After that, defeat exactly 25 enemys in Cruel Melee, you have to unlock 25 characters to do this! Then do Adventure Mode with all of the original characters. Only do Classic Mode once with Bowser before doing the rest. Then once it's all done, do Classic Mode again with Bowser with one life, no continues on any difficulty. Then fight Giga Bowser, beat him, and he's yours!!! After that, Giga Bowser will replace Bowser on the character select screen!!!

P.S. You need to have the Giga Bowser, Paper Mario, Vacuum Luigi (Have a saved game of Luigi's Mansion on your memory card to unlock this one!), and the Pikmin (Have a saved game of Pikmin on your memory card to unlock this one!) trophies in order for this cheat to work!!!

Unlock Batman and Wonder Woman

To unlock Batman, beat the game 50,000 times. Also, to unlock Wonder Woman, beat Batman's Target Test.

How to get Jorgen Von Strangle

To get Jorgen Von strangle you have to beat all-star mode with Timmy on very hard with only 3 countinues.After that Jorgen will face you, watch out for his wand he can control you,or turn you into any weak pokemon!beat him and he's yours!!

unlock pee roy

you have to pee on your dog or a cat then pee inside your dad boot and your dad get funny then pee on your mom food or cake then your sister get angry when your sister eat the cake then you unlock pee roy.



Unlock Casper

To get him u need to go to options and set the mode to invisible mode. use kirby to beat classic mode, when u get to the stage with the fountain go to the top of the fountain and use ur brick stomp to commit suicide do not continue . in ur character list ull find an invisible char. in jigglypuffs spot the game does not say its casper but once u play it ull know. it knows rergular punches and it can fly always turn invisible and it can suprise attack.

paper mario

to get paper mario you have to go to the red-river ex and go around till you find mario in a costume ask him for his autograph the rip it up and put it in your game cube! then do all-star very hard with ether bowser,peach,mario,luigi,toad,toadelle,daisy or wario and hoever you pick no continues(unless luigi gets 1 continue)then battle a level 9 anyone and then turn the game cube of and then murder your pet!get a sample of dog blood or baby drool and put it in the gamecube it's risky thoug after turn your game back on and do adventure very hard with mario and paper mario will challenge you! wacht out his kick will knock you write out of the stadium if you lose just do classic very hard withether bowser,peach,mario,luigi,toad,toadelle,daisy or wario. again after mario will challenge you again if you did do it with all the characters menconed above do all-star very hard with luigi cause it worked for me! if it didn't work your game is screwed up :p

Unlock Jackie Chan and a Starter

you can get jackie chan and a starter from dark alliance by beating crule melee.

how to unlock dragonite

win classic mode in very hard fist with pikachu then with jyglipuff then with pichu when you win wih pichu u will et raichu then pass it with raichu and finally with mewtwo when u have won wih mewtwo a dragonite will appear.

get male & female wire frame

first go to advencher mode beat the part with wire frames in less then 10seconds no percentage then do the home run contest and get 700000000 yards with luig without using the bat. ps.adventher most be on hard or very hard with gan dorf ps. if you do it on very hard you get spyro

unlock wario

Play team battle. Red=Mario=You Handicap 1 Blue= Bowser, Grodus, Yoshi= all level 9 handicap 9. One life, items high, only pokeballs on but you can't get any. Beat them to unlock wario. Do the same challenge with wario to get petey piranaha, who can get 400% in 10 sec., combine his charged moves, and get 88,888,888 ft. in home run contest to unlock Bianco Hills! Note you need to beat super mario sunshine first.

Get Barbie.

To get Barbie, you eat the heads off ya barbie toyz and puke them in ya gamecube.(What? I like writing weird!) But this is true! Burry ya gamecube in da ground. The next day, eat ya memory card and ya get barbie. (You use Peach to kill her)

unlock shadow the hedgehog

fist you have to unlock sonic or tails.then beat event 51 with sonic or tails

Unlock Nacho Libre

Unlock him by going to Nacho Libres house (in real life) and challenge him to a wrestling match if ya beat him without him touching you then he will give you a specail card then play yoshis target test whil the card is face down on ur gamecube then when you beat it and its at the character screen for target test move the hand over the spot where Mr. Gamewatch is and Nacho Libre will apear there

unlock DUMBO

this is so simpllllleeeeeeeeee!!! beat yoshi's target test and hit 1338feet(400meters) with yoshi in the home run contest.when u battle Dumbo the elephant watch out for his Dumbo Attack it kicks ASS!!!

unlock BUSH

ITS true go to adventure mode and put it very hard and then on the credits shoot only 7 then save and turn off your gamecube then turn it on and he will be dancing then kill him (you will play with mario aganits him) then hes yours

how to get Billy and Mandy

to get Billy and Mandy you have to beat classic mode 10 times on difficulty:hard with Jigglypuff with 3 lives after you do that Billy and Mandy will fight you. Billy and Mandy kick booty and are harder than event #51 and Mandy might hypnotize you and if you are hypnotized it will kill you. Plus, if you beat Billy and Mandy on classic mode you will verse grim but first you need to beat Billy and Mandy to unlck them.


You can get Ryu off of streefighter 2 to get him you got to have everybody unlocked besides the 25 characters, Sonic and Ash Shadow, all that then pick ONE of them i picked Ash, went to adventure on normal mode, beat then went to classic mode on NORMAL mode, and beat master hand then after that Ryu appeared, you MUST fight him, and he has THREE lives and you can pick as much of lives as you want on classic, you and you can use continues, when you win he'll be next to C.Falcon, and Gannandorf, if you take control of him on classic mode on normal mode you can only fight after you fight the hand again you ONLY fight one the other streetfighters.

unlocking link

when defeating link in story mode. (doesnt matter what stage.. he says "awwwww!" and faints. when he falls, press A,Y,X, then start. you can unlock link.

Alternate Players

Wario:Beat classic and adventure on Rock Hard as Toad,Mario,and Daisy.(to unlock Rock Hard mode,get the goron trophy then hit the sandbag 10,99 ft. as mario).Highlight mario,hold up on the d-pad and select him.

Daisy:Beat classic mode as peach with all her costumes on normal difficulty.Then beat one vs match with Link vs peach vs Toad.hold up on the d pad and select peach.


beat clasic mode with ness 500 times on hard mode then u get him

Unlock Super Sonic, and Hyper Shadow

To unlock Super Sonic, defeat 100 or more KO's in Cruel Melee with Sonic. After that, Super Sonic will fight you, beat him, and he'syours!

To unlock Hyper Shadow, defeat 100 or more KO's in Cruel Melee with Shadow. After that, Hyper Shadow will fight you, beat him, and he's yours! Cruel MelEEE

unlock Micky Mouse

If you want Micky all you have to do is

.sing the ABC's

.Watch Micky Mouse Club House

.Then be Jake Long:The americn dragon And Do Classic very hard 1 life NO CONTINUES

.vs Him

unlock samuri jack

first get NAVI THEN ROCK LEE then you do adventure mod with 1 life and on INVISABLE!!! MODE and you get him and do not die..

How to get Granparent

The only way to have it is dancing the Macarena while drinking Wine and talking like Michael Jackson.Then Go to versus play stock match and win.Play with any com. and in any level

how 2 get lora croft

dude this is no joke!!!! Its pretty hard though. All u do is beat adventure, classic, and all star on very hard with falco or fox with only 1 life. remember this is no joke ive done it before.

unlock James Blake

Play one hour of tennis. Then watch James Blake play a match. He`ll probably win.If he doesn`t keep watching matches with him ti`ll he wins. Then play one melee match. Then James Blake will challenge you. Look out for his forehand attack,it is REALLY!!!!! GOOD!!!! Beat him, and he`s your`s.

how to unlock AC/DC

First beat adventure mode with led zeppelin and then beat classic mode with nysnc and fall out boy. It really works

unlock everyone from doom 3

kill 100 ideots on cruel melee with fox or falcos gun(item guns work also).

Unlock Ken

To unlock Ken, beat Classic Mode with Barbie.

unloc the angry german kid

Anyway to unlock him unlock the diskun trophy (hardest trophy to get) then put your game disk in the comp i will got to youtube smash brawl the you will see someone playing as fox mario grabs a gun luigi has a big laser gun blaster and fox will be suroundded and it will veiw the angry german kid smashing his keyboard as soon as he say "stuped fat green and red italiens with big gun your spose to kill a fat lizard C***ts"

STOP THE VIDEO after he says "C***ts" then it will say "a challenger appears" you will fight him but hes in a keyboard then he will say "HOLY COCOPUFFS WITH BAHUMUT ****ING MOTHER BRAIN ITs MARIO!" mario says "this a kids game ill kill you!" he has a key pause the game the smash the key board in half take out all its keys play the game you will kill him and he will say "ill get you you SHACKPONCHIMANKLDEF you sick donkey"

the a sign will appear "saying smack your keyboard you get mental its AGK"

his move list:

A he thows his key board

B he throws little keyboards

B+up he jumps with a key board spewing out keys

want more moves unlock him and see for your self

unlock super sayian vegeto

first go to the classic mode then after that ya choosesonic read a sonic cheat first ok then at the end of it shoot at least 80 peices of writing and a foe has challenged you.

unlock cj from gta sa and peter from family guy

to do this you have to beat story mode classic and adventure with everone then beat targets with young link then play as young link fight link then when you win he will shoot link and then you fight him if you beat him peter will come then beat him then there yours! if done it it works fight have link lvl be 5

Violent ssbm

Delete all the games on ya gamecube that are not rated M of A excepy ssbm. Beat all the games in one day and play ssbm. Make sure you fill both slots first. When you turn it on, it will ask if you're older than 17 or not. If you say no it will delete all ya files. Say yes and play stamina. As Link you can grab people and chop there heads off and blood spurts everywhere.

unlock KUPA AND PURIN (the red and green turtle dudes)

once you unlock all-star mode, beat it with every1 on very hard with a maximum of 3 lives. if you do, the last person you beat it with will face either kupa or perin, beat all-star mode again on very hard and you will face the other colored turtle... :D

unlock you memory card

break your memory card take whats inside and put in gamecube then you will fight your memory card win and you have it!

How to get mr. ressetti as a playable character!

First play in cruel melee with and character. Then, beat 5-10 wireframes and then you can let them beat you. Then, you get mr. ressitti trophy. After you get the trophy, press reset on the gamecube. Then when you enter ssbm, mr. ressetti will challenge you.

There you go!

unlock pheonex wright

be roy and kill at least 100 people in cruel melee beat adventure on almost-impossible mode(beat events 1-51 to unlock this) then beat event 50 with mario at 0% an then beat event 51 with any guy at 0% then you unlock event 52:case closed your in a court room having a case with sega (who made the 3-D sonic games a motherf*cking sh*t load of steaming pile of goat-horse-bull-Ox-sheep all mixed together sh*t mountain) if you solve the case a message will say "OBJETION you got phoenix wright!!!!!!!!!"

unlock celebi

to unlock celebi go to all_star mode in very hard 1 life (no damage) with all pokemons then go to v.s. mode and then go to item switch and put pokeballs and then select pikachu and mewtwo dificulty level 9 and put pokemon stadium stage and then find celebi pokeball 10 times and then celebi fight you and you win celebi its yours

Unlock Brock Lesnar


First you have to beat classic and adventure mode with captain falcon and ganondorf with two lives

in hard mode, then not shoot to the credits and later he will aparence with his entrance music and the WWE belt around his waist, beat him and he will be yours. Be carefull with his F-5

Believe me


defeat classic mode once with dr. mario and then go to the main menu and type in "ABXRL" AND THEN DEFEAT "EVENT 1" 6 TIMES. IT WILL SAY A FOE IS APPROACHING AND BEAT HIM AND HE'S YOURS FOR 8 hours of play. repeat to get him back. THIS IS SOOO TRUE

Unlock God

Beat Classic Mode with jesus.

Unlock Xzibit

THIS ACTUALLY WORKS. Go to Captain Falcon Event race, and when the cars come by, you must get hit by the silver one. The exact second this happens, pause the game and turn on Pimp My Ride. Watch it until the end, and right as X says You've officially been pimped, turn off the gamecube. Turn it back on, and you have X-Zibit

Unlock Shadow Queen

to unlock shadow queen from paper mario the thousand year door beat the game as crystal king hooktail gloomtail mario lugi and paper mario

unlock barbie

Get 90000000000 in the home run thingy with dr mario (with bat) and then win the game 5 times and fight on endlles melle for 99 minutes EXCATLY (Use a cronometer) and thin go on all star on really hard 1 life with yoshi NO CONTINUES and then she will apper kill her and shes yours

Unlock Super Mario World mario

To get the SMW mario,go to adventure mode and select Mario.There is a cheat to go to forest of illusion.Beat Forest Of Illusion on hard,1 life no dying.Then,beat classic mode as Luigi.Finally,have a match Mario VS Luigi at SMB2 stage.Finally,kick his arse and he's yours.To unlock his level(Donut Plains),beat adventure mode as him.The level's song is the first level of super mario world for NES.

Unlock Criss Angel

To unlock criss angel use only mewtwo and use psychic moves must beat classic,adventure&all-star on very hard.then you will unlock him.

unlock earthworm jim

to unlock earthworm jim u need to fight a lvl.9 mewtwo hadicap 1,a lvl.8 kirby hadicap 2 (the hadicaps feture the ewj games 1&2) after that use yoshi and do home run contest then hit the sandbag over 5,000 ft. then you will have to fight ness in a coin match then beat him then do adventure,classic and all-star very hard (no continus) you then get a queen slug-for-a-butt,prof. monkey for a head earth worm jim ect. then fight him and hes yours.NOTE:for a 3-D earth worm jim fight a lvl.3 handicap 3 bowser and ONLY have items that start with a d and earthworm jim in 3-D will fight you kill him and hes yours to keep(3-D earthworm jim is from EarthWorm Jim 3-D)

how to unlock michael jackson

first go to best buy and buy a CD of michael jackson then listen to it over and over for 5 times ( exactly) then go sock your moms ass and rape your dog! for 3 hours! then go and get your GC and smash it against your moms face! ( until it breaks!) then get your SMBM game and eat it! then go to michael jacksons house and tell him to rape you! after just kill your self! and once your dreaming you can imagine that your playing micahel jackson on your game cube!! =)

unlock the pink panther

Do 1 battle with each characters pink form, if they have one.then beat allstar with pink luigi on easy with 4 lives.then kill zelda (not sheik) 50 times with the boxer from punchout.then kill EXACTLY 2 dumbos on cruel mode.then beat classic and adventure with jigglypuff on very easy with 2 lives.then pink panther will fight you.beat em and hes yours!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

unlock Robinhood

Beat adventure with fox on very easy.then kill 5 ideots on cruel melee with fox.then go to vs. mode and be falco and kill a falco lv.7 with 5 lives.then he will challange you.lose to him and he is yours!

Unlocking Perin

To get perin,beat classic,adventure,and all star with Koopa troopa.

play as Barney

watch a half an hour of Barney on TV at the menu and barney will be ur's whenu are done watching


the bloper

enter axxxaaxxxbaxbbxy at the titl screan then the bloper will batle you

Unlock Frodo

First you have to go to all star in hard, and then beat this mode without use the hearts and later in the end of credits Frodo will challenge you, then beat him and he will be yours

very long cheat for very cool characters

THIS IS THE ULTIMATE CHEAT!!!!!!!!! first kill 3 lv. 1 roy on vs. mode.then kill 3 lv.9 roy on vs. beat adventure,classic,and allstar on very hard and 1 life(don`t worry,continues are allowed).then beat the 100 man spar(if you haven`t already).then select any character and a lv.1 cpu and let them die thereself(whitch means do not hurt them!).then beat classic once more on very hard 1 live(no continues this time).NOTE:you must do all of this in order.EVERY CHARACTER WILL BE YOURS AFTER THIS!!!!!!!

super soinc the right way(need action replay)

ok,d all 1-P mode 100000000000000time

jk do it 500times

and fight and wache in vs mode 100times

fight zelda,mewtwo,sonic,giga bowser and dark mario,link and bowser

fight sonic lat or it will now work

so u will fight he

(WARNING:lose to he u will neven do it agaic)

he kill in 1sec

he can kill 1000HP

ad goes to 999%

(he col right)

how to unlock bob the biulder

to unlock bob the biulder is to:go to vs mode and play kirby five times and pick who ever you want but make shure you do it very hard and I swere it works!

Get Bobby Jack

Beat DK,DKjr,diddy and dixie kongs target test then hit over 1250feet with all the characters above.then bobby jack will challenge u beat him and u get him.(u must go in order)

unlock Arron chau

To unlock this fighter just simply beat the game in rock/paper/scissors. simple as that

How To Unlock Sonic, Knuckels, And Tails

You Have To Do Is Be Mario Put Three Luigi's On Level 9 Beat Them And Then BAM! Beat Sosic Tails or Knuckels And You Get Them.BUT REMEMBER YOU ONLY ONE CHANCE FOR EACH CHARACHTER

get Fairy World as a stage

Beat Timmy Turner's target test.then hit 750feet

with the home run bat with timmy turner.last beat event 51 with timmy u have fairy world as a stage!!!

unlock capt. crunch

put three pices of capt. crunch into the gamecube and it will read it and you should have

capt. crunch.(THIS DOES REALLY WORK IT'S SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO SIMPLE.tooooooooootalyyyyyyyy

Unlock James Bond

This is simple all you have to do is play as Jon Stewert in adventure in very hard with 1 life and once you did it he'll challenge you

unlock carnage(hard but he kill fast)

to get he do all mode on very hard with 1 life no conus

do all 51 evers 5 times

fight vemon 5times in vs mode

(how to get vemon) fight mario 100times in vs mode with mr.g and w

ok back to carnage

aften the fight unpull your gamecude

pull in,and go in allstar with mewtwo on very hard

and will fight u



unlock fat albert

Firt eat 10 hamburgers with extra meat. Then, get hit by a car until you get a heart attack from the hamburgers. Then write to Bill Cosbey and start a fat Albrt clan. Finally get Fat Albert to sit on your gamecube. Fat Albert's fart should go into your gamecube. If it still works, you should get Fat Albert.[It worked for me!!!].

how to unluck wrinkly ball sac

go to your grandpas house and chop off his wrinkly balls then make your dad eat them and when he shits them out shove them in your game cube and presh start.


play with them!

Unlock Patrick

To unlock Patrick, beat Classic Mode with Spongebob Squarepants.

To unlock Squidward, beat Classic Mode with Patrick.

Unlock 9-Volt

To unlock 9-Volt you will have to first have unlocked Pajama Sam, Otto Rocket, SMBSS Toad, and Arnold Shortman. Play as Pajama Sam while battling Lv9 Otto, SMBSS Toad, and Arnold. Then watch all 52 episodes of the Super Mario Bros. Super Show while going through 100 levels of Pajama Sam's Sock Works with an 100 win streak. That means you can't lose! After that, go to Tangipahoa Parish and eat at Middendorf's. Play SSBM again and beat Pajama Sam's target test in under 0 mins, 5 secs, and 37 millisecs. Then 9-Volt will challenge you. Beat him without taking any damage to unlock him.

Unlock a Psygnosis Lemming

To unlock this Lemming, you must have unlocked 9-Volt. Use 9-Volt in Supermegaultracruel Melee and kill 80,000 gold fighters (really rare!). Then go through all 120 Lemmings levels while sticking 8 pieces of gum to your face while singing the I Just Me song while hopping on one foot! Then Coach Z will chalenge you. Beat him to unlock him.

Use Coach Z in Adventure Mode and on the first stage (Mushroom Kingdom) pause and press Up Up Down Down Left Right Left Right B A. After that unpause and complete Adventure Mode. Then Psygnosis Lemming will challenge you. Beat him to unlock him.

Using Lemming, beat the following modes with him: Classic, Adventure, All-Star, Home-Run Contest (called Sandbag from hereonout), and Target Test. That should unlock the stages Lemmingland, Lemmingopolis, Spectralem's Tomb, Lemcano, and Antarcticlem. They all have Lemmings Amiga music for background music!

Unlock Event 52-64

Beat event 51 five times in a row with Mario. Finish exactly on 20:20 then you get new events! Also event 64 is super mario 64. You'll have to fight tiny mario with 64 lives. You start with 64 damage and have 64:64 seconds to defeat him.




unlock teacher

Use Peach's Daisy costume to defeat classic very hard one life no damage. You must fight crazy hand. Then KO 3 level 9 Koops with Mario no damage, and finally beat Showdown with Ness no damage. Then you get to fight teacher. I even listed her moves! B=Giant F, similar to PK Flash. B forward is homework, similar to cape. B down is apple, similar to vegetable. Rottens ones do 90% damage! B up is similar to judgement only she waves sheets up. A+ does no damage while F does 50!

how to get halo characters on ssbm

deafet cruel melee and deafet adventure mode on very easy with 2 lives after you deafet bowser halo peoplewillstrat shooting you deafet them andd you get them


Get Waluigi in 4 super mario 64 ds games and have them in front of your gamecube. You unlocked him! When you fight him, beware or the fact that he pulls out bomb-ombs from the ground and his tornado move kills you in one blow! NOTE: It only kills in one blow for level 9 computers.

Unlock King Kong!!!!

This is sooooooooooooooooo easy! All you have to do is beat all-star on very hard with every character without taking damage and must get shield stupidity at least once. Then you take a marker and write King Kong on both your memory card and your disk. And don't forget your dumb little head! Just kidding. Don't write on ya head. The last win must be with tiny invisible DK. You use tiny DK to kill king kong!

unlock every thing

first beat all event matches and then beat all star mode on very hard with zelda and vuwollo

DUKE NUKEM IZ HERE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

K heres wat u do go to archives and watch the special video this is not required bat important. now pay attention to the sene were samus and all that are shooting and that well get 4 HUMAN players and rtecreate that exactly. Now kill playa 2 as samus rockets. 1 as foxs gun. and 3 as ness with the scope or raY GUN afta the fight it will say A character wants to fight. (BE carful all his attacks are ranged) after beating him it will say Duke gunna have sum fun with a gun.

Unlock King Tut!

To unlock the king all you have to do is beat event 51 with Yoshi 51 times and finish when there is 51 seconds left. Tut is awesome and can turn into a pyramid.

Unlock Slippy

THIS IS REAL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! All you have to do is beat Adventure with yoshi very hard one life no continues. Then be Fox and play very easy five lives and when you fight falco or fox the 2nd time, Slippy will be there. Kill him and then fight him again. He is just like fox and falco.

Get a cool king of Mario and Luigi

If you wait until there are 30 seconds left in the first level in adventure mode, you can get a cool kind of Mario and Luigi.

unlouck janga fett

to unlouck him u most beat clssic mode with babofett on hard with 3 lives he will apear beetwen babofett and jamesbond

how to unlock timmy turner

this is easy just throw your toys into the wall. JUST KIDDING!! ok be pikachu on melee adventure mode very hard 4 lives no continues and heres the fun part fart in your moms face anyways watch the fairy godparents and play smash bros melee and he will appear beat him and hes yours

unlock spongebob square pants

first press start on your controller. then press a, then press b, then press x, then press y, then press z, then press start,a,b,x,y,z,r,l,left, right,up, and down all at the same time. then after that ummmm let me check, dirk nowitzki will pop up on the screen doing the tootsie roll with michael jackson and then after that your tv screen will turn white (just like michael jackson) and right then you need to recite the alphabet in seven different languages before the tv screen turns back from white. then, jump into the tv screen and do the macarena with celine dion and george clooney. when your done with that, come out of the tv and watch spongebob squarepants, one episode only, and then get back to the game and shoot spongebob and he's yours!!! try it! it might actually work!!!

how to unlock brian from family guy

to unlock brian beat allstar mode on very easy be anyone. then beat mr. game and wach with falco on vs. put him on 9. then once you beat him the srceen will turn black you will here barkbark. kill him then hes yours. WARNING. he is very very strong.

Unlocking Jalhalla ( from wind waker)

all you do is play wind waker and beat jalhalla then smack your self for what you did to my fav boss. then beat wind waker. put smash bros in connect 2 gamecube to it after that JAHALLA IS YOURS!!!!!!!!


To unlock the ultra ness boss (jackamoo) you must take your game cube and smash it onto your head, then take it to best buy and start a fight. Once you are free from your 10 years in jail, you will get jackamoo.