Suspicious Man with Very Large Coat

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A Suspicious Man with a Very Large Coat stepped off the subway.

"A witch is a woman who puts dirt in a cup," he said.

He proclaimed his superiority to people with normally-sized coats.

"One of these days, I'm gonna eat your food," he said to the other people on the subway car. He'd just gotten off the subway car, but he was speaking to his own memories of themm, meaning to his past, meaning in his head. He wandered up the escalator and levitated, trailing the Very Large Coat behind him.

The very large coat was 45 feet long, and dragged behind him, sweeping up dirt and getting caught in tires.

"I'm going to steal something!" he screamed, admiring his own subtlety.

His plan was to steal the entirety of New York City by dismantling it and hiding it in the pockets of his coat.

Then he'd go home and put New York City on his coffee table, next to a picturesque statue of a garden gnome and a photo of his grandmother.

He stooped down and snapped off a peice of the sidewalk.

"YOU'RE UNDER ARREST!!!!!" screamed everybody, and some army tanks showed up and some other surreal things happened,

and the man said, "Aw, shucks."

"The man was arrested," said the Witch.