Talk:Glenn Beck's brainchild

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You confuse me greatly sometimes. O_o <css> .nou a{ color:#000000; } .nou a:hover{ text-decoration: none; } .new a{ color:#cc2200; } .new a:visited{ color:#a55858; } </css> ~ File:Pointy.png AthyriaLyrithyaIsarra *shifty eyes* (categorise) • (create) • (upload) • (argue) • (dream) •(talk) • (stalk) • (block) • (acronyms)VFFFIIotMAotMTSROotPGSPRRWAMWAEQDVFDVitalAfC500TLA -- 6 Novelniver 2010 - 03:59 (UTC)

Meh. Do ya got a beef with this random piece of crap?--Colonel Sanders 04:03, 6 Novelniver 2010 (UTC)
Not really. Just... seems strange to me, you know? <css>

.nou a{ color:#000000; } .nou a:hover{ text-decoration: none; } .new a{ color:#cc2200; } .new a:visited{ color:#a55858; } </css> ~ File:Pointy.png AthyriaLyrithyaIsarra *shifty eyes* (categorise) • (create) • (upload) • (argue) • (dream) •(talk) • (stalk) • (block) • (acronyms)VFFFIIotMAotMTSROotPGSPRRWAMWAEQDVFDVitalAfC500TLA -- 6 Novelniver 2010 - 04:43 (UTC)

Yeah. Most of my crap here would seem strange to Uncyclopedians like yourself. No wonder I'm shunned over there.--Colonel Sanders 04:46, 6 Novelniver 2010 (UTC)
What, you mean like SPIKE's reaction to your news? Don't mine him, he just has the whole pile of UnNews to run. Something about how the Chief apparently... wandered off. And disappeared. And... stuff. It's all very mysterious. Mysterious, I tell you! You'll make a good reporter if you stick around, though. Really. There are... high hopes... for you.
Though... begs the question, what's wrong with strange? And why is there a ticket in my ear? <css>

.nou a{ color:#000000; } .nou a:hover{ text-decoration: none; } .new a{ color:#cc2200; } .new a:visited{ color:#a55858; } </css> ~ File:Pointy.png AthyriaLyrithyaIsarra *shifty eyes* (categorise) • (create) • (upload) • (argue) • (dream) •(talk) • (stalk) • (block) • (acronyms)VFFFIIotMAotMTSROotPGSPRRWAMWAEQDVFDVitalAfC500TLA -- 6 Novelniver 2010 - 05:16 (UTC)

You got me. Meh, I'll give reporting and trying In hopes I don't get banned for general unfunniness Is the ticket gold? You mighy have a ticket for a lifetime supply of crap providing that it doesn't spoil And did you see my Other new crap? A waste of time, I would say.--Colonel Sanders 05:20, 6 Novelniver 666 B.C. Uhhh.UTC)
Why would you get banned for unfunnies? More likely to get banned for funnies, really... like how Socky and I got banned for falsifying mass page blanking... *whistles innocently*
Naw, the ticket's just... paper. Purple paper, though... odd. I could see it better if I took it out of my ear, though.
Your new crap could be a lot crappier if you really want to call it that, though. Really...and technically, everything is a waste of time, even time itself. <css>

.nou a{ color:#000000; } .nou a:hover{ text-decoration: none; } .new a{ color:#cc2200; } .new a:visited{ color:#a55858; } </css> ~ File:Pointy.png AthyriaLyrithyaIsarra *shifty eyes* (categorise) • (create) • (upload) • (argue) • (dream) •(talk) • (stalk) • (block) • (acronyms)VFFFIIotMAotMTSROotPGSPRRWAMWAEQDVFDVitalAfC500TLA -- 6 Novelniver 2010 - 05:33 (UTC)

What would be a better term for those monstrosities I just grunted out? And sorry about the ticket. Wish it was a winner. And I'll try not to get an Uncycloban(Did I coin a new term?). Oh, and I suck at Duck Hunt. The dog always laughs at me.--Colonel Sanders 05:37, 6 Novelniver 2010 (UTC)
What's wrong with 'those monstrosities I just grunted out' as the term? It could well be a winner, though; it's just still stuck in my ear. And nothing wrong with getting banned on uncylopedia, so long as it's not for too long. Or... too many short ones right next to each other. Doesn't help when a couple of admins are all banning the same person as a joke and then others see it and decide to join in...
Duck Hunt, eh? I thought that was originally released for Magic 8-ball. <css>

.nou a{ color:#000000; } .nou a:hover{ text-decoration: none; } .new a{ color:#cc2200; } .new a:visited{ color:#a55858; } </css> ~ File:Pointy.png AthyriaLyrithyaIsarra *shifty eyes* (categorise) • (create) • (upload) • (argue) • (dream) •(talk) • (stalk) • (block) • (acronyms)VFFFIIotMAotMTSROotPGSPRRWAMWAEQDVFDVitalAfC500TLA -- 6 Novelniver 2010 - 05:59 (UTC)

Meh. Good luck with the ticket. And I thought Duck Hunt was actually released for the Etch-a-Skech.--Colonel Sanders 06:50, 6 Novelniver 2010 (UTC)
Eh... meh. <css>

.nou a{ color:#000000; } .nou a:hover{ text-decoration: none; } .new a{ color:#cc2200; } .new a:visited{ color:#a55858; } </css> ~ File:Pointy.png AthyriaLyrithyaIsarra *shifty eyes* (categorise) • (create) • (upload) • (argue) • (dream) •(talk) • (stalk) • (block) • (acronyms)VFFFIIotMAotMTSROotPGSPRRWAMWAEQDVFDVitalAfC500TLA -- 6 Novelniver 2010 - 15:39 (UTC)