Talk:Oh my God, Terminator just cut his arm open!

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You were watching Terminator 2 last night, wuntche? -- Hindleyak  Converse?blogClick here! 12:04, 20 Serpeniver 2008 (UTC)

I've seen some crazy shit like photos of people sliced in half by trains but I still can't look when Arnold does that. Avril Troll 13:21, 20 Serpeniver 2008 (UTC)
@Avril Troll: I've seen a pic of a guy's head on the top of a fence because he landed on it. I forget the link. I almost threw up. Yikes. T3
Could it be this? That's quite bad but it didn't make me feel sick. There was this pic on /b/ a few days ago of a person who had had their arms and legs sliced off Dexter style. It was obviously some serial killer who had taken the pic and that was probably the worst I've seen. Avril Troll 19:33, 20 Serpeniver 2008 (UTC)
LOLZORS. Yes I was watching Terminator 2. Oh did you miss it? Not to worry, it'll be on again tonight. And tomorrow. And next week...and next month. Man, that's some death. It's either a very unlucky occurence or one damn good shot.Darkgenome 19:39, 20 Serpeniver 2008 (UTC)
Can I add a screenshot from the Terminator move for this page? Avril Troll 19:54, 20 Serpeniver 2008 (UTC)
@Avril Troll:Yep. That was it. I was obsessed with for a while.... T3