Teen Girl Squad

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Teen Girl Squad is a squad of metahuman teen girls from the DC Animated Universe.

Super powers common to the entire squad

  • Dying.
  • Feeling pain.
  • Dying painfully.
  • Still talking when dead.
  • Being made of ... pencil.
  • Being crudely drawn stick figures.
  • Always coming back to life for another episode.

Individual super powers

  • Cheerleader - Not being a cheerleader, attracting boys, using voice to humiliate other people.
  • So-and-So - Brainstorming and over-achieving at all things IQ-related. Unknown to the other members of the squad, So-and-So has a villainous alter-ego known as The Over-Achiever Bandit that illegally does other people's pre-algebra homework without reward.
  • Whats-Her-Face - Unknown. Whats-Her-Face's powers do not remain consistent from episode to episode.
  • The Ugly One - Being so ugly that it kills people to look at her, similar to Medusa. By far, the most powerful member of the Teen Girl Squad. UGLY'd!

External Links

Teen Girl Squad