The Argument

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The following is taken straight from a Skype convo (and edited to remove the vulargarist of the vulgarities) involving Testostereich (Duncan), HelloolleH (Jondom) and Silent Penguin:

[22:07:26] Silent Penguin: wats with teh hate
[22:07:35] Jondom: well
[22:07:40] Jondom: i have some pent up anger
[22:07:55] Jondom: ideally i should hit somebody but im here alone so dunc gets it
[22:09:09] Duncan: as always ¬_¬
[22:09:23] Jondom: whats that meant to mean?
[22:09:46] Duncan: you know exactly what that means, after 3 years of taking your sh*t you should have got what it means by now
[22:10:03] Jondom: f*ck you
[22:10:26] Jondom: you got something to say just say it
[22:10:39] Duncan: f*ck you right back
[22:10:42] Duncan: like that'd make any difference
[22:11:12] Jondom: you f*cking nerd
[22:11:51] Duncan: at least I don't f*ck Nerds, Indian overweight ones that could only get some from someone as ugly and desperate as you
[22:12:13] Jondom: no, you f*ck cousins
[22:12:26] Jondom: gotta keep it in the family cos no-one else will take you
[22:13:29] Duncan: loads of people would, while you're staring morosely at the gym queue like a f*cking prick i'm in your house f*cking your mum
[22:13:33] Duncan: and it's second cousins
[22:14:29] Jondom: well i hope you enjoy going to church every week, cos me and your girl love that you do
[22:15:21] Duncan: oh yeah right, like that she'd willingly channel your defunct floppy one inch cock excuse
[22:15:56] Jondom: after your noodle of a dick she'd be thankful for an inch
[22:17:25] Duncan: and like you could give that too her. Even if you generally are better with girls than i am you'd still crush her like a matchstick you fat fat bastard
[22:17:57] Jondom: well you may suck with girls, but at leat your good at art, you fairy
[22:19:06] Duncan: you're not so bad yourself you turd scoffer, i'd even say you were great if i didnt hate you so much
[22:19:44] Jondom: well if i wasn't fuming at you right now i'd say you were the best f*cking artist I know, you modern day Van Gough!
[22:20:26] Duncan: F*ck off and die you hunk
[22:20:40] Silent Penguin: ladies, whats with the flaming
[22:21:14] Duncan: oh now this picasso wants some
[22:21:15] Jondom: jump off a cliff you fantastic bastard
[22:21:33] Duncan: i shall, and compliment you on the way down you beautiful beautiful thin man
[22:22:04] Jondom: And I'll thank you for the compliment and build you a lovely memorial, you wonder c*nt
[22:22:26] Jondom: so dunc, wanna see a film tomorrow?