The Article: Part 1

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This is an article.

It's not this article.

Or that article.

And definitely not some article.

No. I'm sure that this is just an article.

So says the title.

And the title doesn't lie.

It may lie but I trust it enough.

Also it has words, and its on a wiki; so therefore it is an article.

Of course on the top it says "Insane Page" but he's a filthy liar.

Aren't cha, top?

A filthy liar.


I thought so.

Notice how after every sentence is done, the author skips lines.


Odd, ain't it?

Then again, it isn't odd because I happen to be the author.

That raises the question of why I'm talking in third person.

The author doesn't seem to know.


Very strange...

See the author is a strange man.

A miracle worker of sorts very odd man...

But a well qualified man, yes.

Very well suited for this kind of work, eh?

No the author is not Canadian he just likes to add the word "eh" to the end of his sentences.

You should try it sometime.

It's really not that bad.

It actually makes you sound more interesting.

As it seems.


Notice how the author put "hmmm..." twice.


A bit monotone, perhaps.

Maybe use a bit of variety, hmm?

No, you won't.

It's way to hard.

Am I talking to a wall?


No one?


You're the author.

God damn.

We had the same fiasco in San Antonio.


This is freaking bullshit.

I'm just sitting here, saying your thoughts, author.


I am the author, aren't I?

Erm, I lose sight of that occasionally, as it may be.


This is embarrassing.


So... anyone want a snack?

I have Triscuits.


No, I do not have Apple Jacks.

I believe I do have some Cheez-Its.


Look at me!

I can fit ten ketchup bottles in my pocket!

You're not impressed, are you?


So, uh, did you the game last night?...

With that guy, in that sport...



What's the deal with gas prices?

The suck, right?


I might as well quit while I'm ahead.

The continuation