The Awkward Moment Registration Office

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The Awkward Moment Registration Office is a department of the United States Government, where American citizens are required to report and register any awkward moments they have in conversation. The information about the awkward moments is kept in a massive bunker, in endless rows of filing cabinets.

Whenever an awkward moment occurs between two or more people in conversation, they have 48 hours to report the moment to the Awkward Moment Registration Office. They are required to submit, in writing, a file with the following information:

  1. What caused the awkward moment
  2. How many people witnessed the awkward moment
  3. where the awkward moment took place
  4. how long the awkward moment lasted
  5. How the awkwardness was alleviated.

The paperwork is then filed in the government office.

Awkward moments involving more than ten people or lasting more than 15 minutes must be reported to the Office two days in advance. That way, the Office can send a regulatory agent to the scene of the awkward moment, to make sure no innocent civilians are exposed to the severe awkwardness.