The Black Turtle

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File:Roller Coaster Ride.jpg
A detailed plan of the ride.

The Black Turtle was Illogicopedia's first theme park ride. It will also probably be the last.

Constructed in late 2010 by an illustrious but somewhat annoying theme park architect (who was already known for uploading way too many images), it stretched far across ?pedia, looping through many articles which the designer had picked carefully. The construction of the ride, however, was found annoying to the majority of active users. Some user tried to take down the ride, but the architect continued. Users complained on his talk-page, asking him to stop. Either he was ignorant or didn't know how to read - he continued. Obviously, he was soon jailed briefly by an Admin and the ride was dismantled by a helpful dismantler person, before anyone was ever able to ride on it.

File:Rofling Coaster.gif
The architect tested the ride on some cats, but they were the only ones who ever got to ride on it.

However, once free, the architect continued with his plans. He began rebuilding the Black Turtle, once again ignoring requests for him to stop. The same Admin returned and shot him in the head. He died.

The Admin gave the dismantler person a break and got rid of the mess himself.


Rollercoasters don't work on Illogicopedia, especially if they consist of a lot of 'Black Turtle' links at the bottom of pages. If you do decide to make one you will be shot. Survivors will be shot again. But we'll probably kill you the first time.

Let that be a lesson to you.