The Glob Choir

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File:Sand People Choir.jpg
A photograph which may or may not be of the Glob Choir.

The Glob Choir is a choir of globs led by the globbiest of the most globby of globs - the Sonk itself! *cue sinister globbing* The Glob Choir may or may not play a role in the world domination plans of the sonk. This is not known. It is chiefly unknown, yes. And even if we - err, I - knew about it, which w- I most certainly don't, I wouldn't tell anyone. That's right, I don't know about it, and I certainly don't tell anyone about it. Because I don't know anything to tell! Honestly!


Anyway, *globby cough* I guess an example would be in order. So here goes:

A Glob Lyric

glob globglobglob glob glob glob glooob
glob globglobglob glob glob glob glooob
glob globglobglob glob glob glob glooob
glob globglobglob glob glooob glob
