The Gospel of Rakshashasharajamajaja

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The Gospel of Rakshashasharajamajaja is a holy book. It tells the legend of an ancient sea-god, Rakshashasharajamajaja.


A rock comes to Earth carrying a colony of Fnurdles. They fuse together to form a hideous creature, You - I mean Rakshashasharajamajaja. Ooooooooooooo Rakshashasharajamajaja, we worship you!

The spawning of Rakshashasharajamajaja

Rakshashasharajamajaja spawns a child, The Almighty mackerel, who becomes the King of Midwestern Earth.

The Space Hobo

A new being arrives from space, Ajajamajarahsahsahskar, who wants to take over Burger King, but is defeated by the fact that he can't live out of water. He goes to the ocean and mutates into a creature called the Salmon moose. Rakshashasharajamajaja fights Ajajamajarahsalmonmoose and wins.

Rakshashasharajamajaja vs. Cthulhu

Rakshashasharajamajaja and The Almighty mackerel move to the ocean, where they watch over mankind for eternity. But they moved to Cthulhu's apartment, and Cthulhu wanted them out, so he creates a being known as The Ultimate Lord of Destruction.

Rakshashasharajamajaja vs. Cthulhu: Requiem

Rakshashasharajamajaja and The Almighty mackerel fight him, but lose, and are made into super-gods and zap The Ultimate lord until he fries, FRIES!!!!!!!!!, and one soda.


As with other religimagons, there's at least one unbeliever, as shown below:

 O -> I don't believe

So we feed them to a horde of Eeble sonks