The Great Tapir-riding Schnfozzle

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The Schnfozzle in all his glory

Settle down, mah young-uns an I'll tell ya uh tale, a tale about der greetest hero in dah world.


♪ Rides on like like a lunatic in a grassy plain, he stops to shoot some hobos in a runnin train. ♫

♪ He's been to Brazil, France, London, Sealand, Singapore, and the Democratic Republic of Congooooooo *gasp*. ♫

♪ Lalalalalalalalalallllaalalalalalala laalalaaalalalalalallalallllalalalalalalalala ♫

♪ He's a heeroooooo, a heeeroooooo! *as far as you dumbos know* ♫

♪ He's a heeroooooo, a heeeroooooo! *as far as you dumbos know* ♫

♪ Ooooooooooooooooooooooooohhhhhh, The Great Tapir-riding Schnfozzle! ♫

The end!

Now go home, HAVVA NICE DAY!!!!!!